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November 23, 2022 - 6

Ironhackers Abroad: Moving to a New City to Study Tech

Combine your professional and travel goals and advance your tech career abroad.

Juliette Carreiro - Tech Writer


You’ve heard of the allure of study abroad, but do you know what it can do for you? While it may be hard to sum up all the advantages of studying abroad, the main points to consider can be grouped into the following three categories: social, educational, and professional. Curious? Here’s everything you need to know:  

Social Benefits of Studying Abroad


This might be the most obvious advantage: learning about a new culture. And although obvious, it’s crucial. There’s nothing like a complete cultural immersion to open your eyes to new experiences, different realities, and things you’ve maybe never considered before. Taking in a culture first-hand for an extended period of time will help you both connect deeper with your culture and learn more about surrounding ones. 


Moving abroad, even just to study, may seem daunting at first, but there will always be others in your shoes. Studying abroad is the perfect opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people; there’s nothing like common experiences to bring people together. If you’re concerned about meeting new people, check out expat or student groups on social media before you leave to get a head start on making connections. 

Discovering new things 

There’s something to be said for the chance to be surrounded by new things: food, people, customs, traditions, and much more. When you study abroad, the world is your oyster and it’s up to you to make the most of the experience. Live a little and say yes to new things - you never know what you’ll discover! 

Educational Benefits of Studying Abroad 


The majority of students studying abroad will have the chance to improve their skills and pick up a new language. There is no better way to connect with a new culture than by speaking a language. Learn what you can and make an effort to talk to locals; even a few words can go a long way. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the importance of multilingual employees is skyrocketing. 

If you’re studying abroad in a country that speaks your native language, don’t worry! There are ways to still connect with locals. Try to learn local slang and engage in traditions. Or make friends with other exchange students: you can learn from them too! 

Opening your mind 

Learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom; there’s nothing like regularly interacting with people with different backgrounds to help you open your mind, think in new ways, and consider new perspectives. And you never know: you may learn a new way of handling a tough problem or a new tool that will transform your learning process.


If you ask any study abroad alum about their time abroad, there will definitely be an anecdote about getting lost, trying to navigate a new school system, or having to look in six supermarkets just to find one specific thing. And there’s a reason for that: studying abroad will help you learn how to problem solve effectively in complex situations. 

Professional Benefits of Studying Abroad 

Soft skills 

It goes without saying that studying abroad helps your professional career, but do you know how? Studying abroad is associated with the following soft skills that are essential for careers in tech: communication, problem-solving, teamwork, confidence, and time management. And that’s not even mentioning the increasing importance placed on cultural sensitivity, a global perspective, intercultural communication and global awareness. 

Your CV

85% of employees look for candidates with international competence; adding a study abroad experience to your CV could be the reason you get your dream job. The soft skills we just mentioned are key for a wide range of positions and employers are on the lookout for candidates that demonstrate an ability to adapt to new situations, work with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures and, most importantly, are up for a new challenge.

Multi-sector needs 

Employers are no longer looking for candidates to fill just one role; the most attractive candidates can support in various fields, have a wide range of experiences and can use their diverse backgrounds to provide the team with innovative solutions. Combine the soft skills gained from studying abroad with your hard tech skills that you learn in your course and you’ll become the ideal choice for a wide range of companies and roles. 

Studying Tech Abroad 

Tech and similar fields have long been associated with the inability to study abroad due to the technical language and intense study times. At Ironhack, however, we’re committed to providing you with the necessary tools to both launch your career in tech and have that valued study abroad experience. Here are some of the main benefits of studying abroad with Ironhack: 

  • Remote programs: with the option of remote courses, you’re unstoppable. Our remote courses are designed for those who can’t make it to campus everyday - for whatever reason. 

  • Flexible learning programs: choose from part-time or full-time options 

  • Part-time: looking to get away for a longer period of time and fully explore your new city? Our part-time option is for you.

  • Full-time: only have a short window you can dedicate to your course? All you need is 9 weeks to make your tech career a reality. 

  • Worldwide campuses: with 10 campuses across three continents, Ironhack’s bootcamps offer you both an intensive education and unbeatable experiences. 

Study Abroad with Ironhack

At Ironhack, we offer wide range of locations across the globe: no matter your preference, you’ll find the perfect place to study:

  • Madrid, Spain: take web development, data analytics, UX/UI design or cybersecurity courses in the heart of Madrid while taking advantage of the Spanish capital’s growing economy that hosts many start-ups. 

  • Barcelona, Spain: offering the same courses as in Madrid, head to sunny Barcelona where big name start-ups are based to kickstart your tech career. 

  • Berlin, Germany: Germany’s tech-friendly economy is on the rise; did you know that it’s the biggest start-up hub in Europe? Berlin is the place to be. 

  • Paris, France: head to the city of love to find your new passion: tech. Our home in the 11th arrondissement is the perfect place to get into tech.

  • Miami, USA: With close to $1 billion raised last year in venture funding, Miami is the ideal place to get into the US tech market with courses in web development, UX/UI design, and data analytics. 

  • São Paulo, Brazil: located in the heart of this bustling Brazilian city, Ironhack São Paulo is here to help you get your start in the Latin American tech market. 

  • Mexico City, Mexico: with a unique connection to both the American and Latin American markets, studying tech at our Mexico City campus is your key to success.

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands: our unique hybrid method in Amsterdam allows you to learn remotely and collaborate in person, letting you learn on your own while still benefiting from making connections in this bustling city.

  • London, UK: connect with locals while studying remotely in London; with a wide range of student events and support, you’ll get the full Ironhack experience in an incredible city. 

  • Lisbon, Portugal: Portugal is one of the most popular locations for those looking to get into tech, thanks to the availability of visas for entrepreneurs. 

Ready to make your tech and travel dreams come true? Click here to apply to one of Ironhack’s tech bootcamps today. 

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