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January 12, 2024 - 8 minutes

5 Most In-Demand Programming Languages in 2024

Discover the best programming languages to learn in 2024.


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Articles by Ironhack

2024 is almost here and there’s never been a better time to focus on your professional future–what are your goals? What can you do to achieve your professional goals? Is there something you’re missing or could work on to make yourself an even better candidate for your dream role? We’re sure you’re well on your way to success, but it never hurts to think about improvements you could make. 

For many, especially those in web development, adding another programming language to their repertoire is quite the attractive option. Different companies use different languages and the more languages you know, the more companies and projects you’ll be able to apply for. 

But as you know, there are a lot of programming languages out there. As a web developer, you probably already have a few or at least your favorite mastered, but you’ve seen job ads that ask for experience with an entirely new one. How can you know which is best for you? Or which is the best to learn next? Or better yet, how can you go about learning a new one? 

Luckily for you, we’ve outlined the answers to these questions and many more in this post. Before we dive right in, however, let’s discuss why learning another programming language should be on the top of your to-do list. 

Why are Coding Languages Important? 

Programming languages are the way we communicate with computers, which we’re sure you’re already aware of. But just in case you’re not, let’s break it down: programming languages are the rules that govern the code that programmers write to send instructions to computers so that they do what we’d like. If you plan to work as a programmer, knowledge of at least one, if not more, programming languages is key as it will allow you to work with different systems to complete a wide range of tasks. 

Apart from simply knowing how to code, learning different languages will allow you to: 

  • Enhance your resume: diverse programming languages will allow you to learn new skills, in addition to opening the doors to new opportunities that would otherwise be impossible to reach. 

  • Learn new skills: when you learn a new programming language, you’re not just learning about that one skill; in fact, you’ll learn new ways of solving bugs, troubleshooting problems, and thinking outside the box. 

  • Benefit from job security: needs in tech are always changing and it is possible that your skills could become outdated in just a short period of time; the more abilities you possess, the more job security you’ll have. 

We could go on and on because the benefits of adding new programming languages to your toolbox are practically innumerable. But let’s dive into the good stuff: programming languages to learn in 2024. 

Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

You may already know some of these programming languages; in fact, you probably do! But because there are so many out there, take the time to read through the list and make sure you pick at least one to set your sights on heading into the new year. 


JavaScript is the most popular worldwide, so we wouldn’t be surprised if you already have a great grasp on it. But just in case you don’t, let’s review why JavaScript is such a crucial skill to have on your resume:

  • Used in both front and back end development, JavaScripts’ importance can’t be overstated. No matter your chosen area of focus, JavaScript will be useful. 

  • Some of the most popular frameworks, such as Node.js and React.js, are in JavaScript.

  • JavaScript is incredibly versatile, and allows you to operate from both the client and server side, in addition to handling server tasks and creating web and mobile apps. 


Another common language, Python is a great choice for someone looking to expand their job opportunities and tech knowledge. It’s different from other programming languages because it’s a general purpose language and can be used beyond just web development. In addition, Python is: 

  • Beginner-friendly, thanks to its easy design and use of English in the features, making it easy for tech newbies to follow and grasp. 

  • Versatile, helping you use it for a wide range of projects, regardless of its size, scope, or industry. 

  • Helpful, with an incredibly large online support community that can help you if you run into any challenges while you’re learning or developing. 


Not to be confused with JavaScript, Java is found on basically every single operating system and app and used by big name companies like Amazon and Google. A frequent requirement of job postings, adding Java to your repertoire is good for your professional growth:

  • Java can be used across different systems and isn’t linked to just one, meaning it’s a useful programming language that will serve you throughout your career, no matter where you are. 

  • It’s open source, meaning the source code is free and widely available, helping developers skip the basics and move on to the more interesting parts of programming. 

  • Java is used in practically every development application, is compatible with every operating system, and is great for app building. 


This high-level language is especially useful for beginners, as it takes care of the basic code that you’d be responsible for writing in other languages. In addition, C#:

  • Is quite popular among companies and even in projects where it’s not used, it’s still popular for web service creation. 

  • Is both open source and available on Microsoft, OSX, and Linux, meaning it’s quite universal. 

  • It’s easy to learn because it automates some of the toughest elements of programming, letting you focus on the coding itself. 


If you’re looking to start out at a small company or are just beginning your journey into web development, Ruby is a fantastic option. It’s a popular choice for new techies because: 

  • Ruby uses a familiar syntax that’s similar to English, ensuring that even those without extensive programming backgrounds are able to learn it. 

  • Ruby boasts an incredible online community, is free, and is open-source, allowing users to consult with others for assistance and find solutions. 

  • Ruby is general purpose, meaning it’s versatile and good to have under your toolbelt for future opportunities. 

How to Learn a New Programming Language

The idea of learning an entirely new programming language, especially if you’re comfortable with the ones you currently know, can be quite daunting. We get it—it’s never easy to jump feet first into something entirely unknown. That’s why we’ve put together this list to help you on your programming language journey: 

  1. Carefully choose your next language to learn: there are a lot of languages out there and knowing the best fit for you can be quite the challenge. Before you randomly choose one and get started, ask yourself these questions: 

    1. What language are job postings you’re interested in requesting? 

    2. Is the language you’re interested in compatible with the operating systems you know how to use? 

    3. Are you truly interested in the coding language? 

    4. What’s the learning curve of the programming language? 

  2. Set up a learning plan: you might want to dive right in, but it’s crucial to set up a learning plan so that you’re fully prepared. If you’re planning to learn on your own, make sure you find resources to help you in case you get stuck or choose a programming language that’s open source or has widespread usage so you can solicit help online. 

  3. Start practicing: practice makes perfect and that’s especially true in the world of coding. Take the time to learn the theoretical foundations of the programming language, but start practicing as soon as possible so that you become familiar with how the language works and any differences from your other ones. 

    1. There are lots of websites with coding challenges for beginners that can guide you through the beginning as you gain confidence. 

  4. Be patient: anything new takes time to learn and programming languages, especially if they use a different framework from what you’re used to, can pose quite the challenge at first. Be patient with yourself and set realistic goals and check-ins to make sure you’re on track. 

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