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June 3, 2024 - 9 minutes

10 Tech Podcasts You Don’t Want to Miss in 2024

Top 10 Tech Podcasts to Listen to in 2024


Changing The Future of Tech Education

Articles by Ironhack

Tech News

In an era teeming with buzz phrases like machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the Metaverse, where the lines between physical and digital blur, the following questions sprout like ivy on your mind’s walls:

What’s happening in the technological arena? What players prove their best in it? What are the most in-demand tech skills these days? What are the pivotal tech career paths worth exploring in the coming years?

Whether you want to press your ear to the ground of cutting-edge technologies and stay always updated, explore new job possibilities, find your group of like-minded people, or learn how to propel your professional tech skill set, you’re in the right place. You’ve found the vault of the best tech podcasts for every interest and need. Stay plugged in and fully charged with the latest tech news, trends, and innovations.

Top 10 Tech Podcasts You Should Listen To in 2024

Women in Tech Podcast

Host: Espree Devora

Listen on Spotify.

The future of tech is female.

You may have encountered this statement. Yet, perhaps, it sounded rather hypothetical, as if it were an assumption.

In this podcast, you will hear how women change the face of technology de facto by breaking all barriers and closing all gaps (the widest one being the gender gap in tech).

Get empowered by the uplifting stories from females in the careers of:

  • Software engineer

  • Creative digital marketer

  • UX/UI designer

  • Web developer

  • Tech solopreneur

  • And many other women in tech leadership positions, such as CEO, CTO, CIO, etc.

Brooke Webber, Head of Marketing at Ninja Patches, recalls, “The experiences of incredible women I listened to in every episode inspired me to push boundaries in my career as a marketing leader. One specific episode about a female CMO who revolutionized her company with a single brilliant idea instilled confidence in me to dream bigger and think wider. And my first thought actually was: if she could do it, so can I.”

The Ironhack Podcast

Hosts: Tim Stephens and Dan Parry

Listen on Spotify.

Wouldn’t you wish to transform your life for good (and for greater heights!)?

It’s within your reach with technology and education.

You may be planning to change careers and pivot into tech from another job, from coffee roasting to coding, from fashion to functions, or from the automotive industry into a tech startup. In your 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond—it doesn’t matte–there are no limits!

Sip inspiration from various career journeys revealed by people who have done all that through conversations in The Ironhack Podcast, one of the top tech podcasts on EdTech and career development. You will also expand your knowledge pool with invaluable how-to tutorials like these:

  • How to determine your monetizable skills and build your tech portfolio

  • How to master a tech interview and navigate pay negotiations

  • How to fast-track your career in tech with a bootcamp

  • How to go freelance leading a technomad lifestyle

  • How to launch an AI startup

The CodeNewbie Podcast

Host: Saron Yitbarek

Listen on Spotify.

Are you still looking at the coding realm suspiciously and hesitating to start, or are you learning to code and seeking extra advice?

Whichever it is, you can overcome fears and pursue your coding passions in another podcast on technology dedicated to the lines and intricacies of code.

Saron Yitbarek invites industry beginners and pros to discuss and compare the best coding languages, such as Swift or Python. The guests also share how they learned to code from technical books or bootcamps and how they apply their knowledge in practice. For example, one of the podcast guests built a robot with JavaScript, while another landed in iOS development with Swift.

Even if you’re a business leader or marketer in a digital-first company, don’t miss out on this podcast because coding is never a superfluous skill. Sergey Taver, Marketing Manager of Precision Watches, explains, “When you run your brand’s website, fundamental coding skills can assist you in fixing broken links, polishing web design, inserting schema data, and optimizing it for search engines generally. As a seasoned marketer and SEO wizard, I’m glad I found The CodeNewbie Podcast and resolutely recommend it to every entrepreneur or marketing professional.”

Humans of Martech

Hosts: Jon Taylor and Phil Gamache

Listen on Spotify.

Humans of Martech is another excellent tech podcast for marketers and business leaders.

Once a week, marketing leaders from successful tech companies visit Jon and Phil and share their innovative approaches, for instance, AI in digital marketing or AR/VR in customer experience. A few brands the leading voices of which you can hear in this podcast are:

  • ClickUp

  • Wistia

  • Logitech

  • Notion

  • Lucid

  • 6sense

  • And others.

For Gerald Lombardo, Head of Growth at Popl, it’s one of the best tech podcasts for those who crave a dose of inspiration from creative genii in Martech. He specifies, “I stumbled upon the Humans of Martech podcast during a late-night brainstorming session on digital transformation a few months ago. I can’t stop listening to it ever since. Every episode is a refreshing breeze in my marketing routine. Inspired, I share the key takeaways with the team and implement the best strategies discussed on the show.”

Eye On A.I.

Host: Craig S. Smith

Listen on Spotify.

True to its name, this tech podcast keeps tabs on artificial intelligence and machine learning, another giant stretching AI’s limits.

Under the host’s scrupulous eye, the podcast guides listeners through the ever-evolving landscape of AI and its roles:

Are you ready to unveil the darker side of AI driven by ethical dilemmas?

The biweekly podcast Eye On A.I. is all about understanding humanity’s trajectory in AI development. And since AI has squeezed into our lives, you should be aware of its potential and risks, no matter what sphere you’re in,” remarks Sturgeon Christie, CEO of Second Skin Audio. “My listening journey started with the episode about the next wave of AI to rock the music industry and penetrate the audio spaces,” he adds.

UX Podcast

Hosts: James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom

Listen on Spotify.

For over a decade (launched in 2011), UX Podcast has been demonstrating the ins and outs of user experience (UX) design. It’s one of the oldest tech podcasts in the UX/UI design niche, with 327 episodes and counting.

Two seasoned professionals in user experience (UX) design, James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom, chat with other web geeks and designers and discuss their tried-and-tested techniques for UX web design, which you can apply directly to your projects if you also work in this field.

Jesse Galanis, Customer Experience Officer (CXO) at AllCrystal, highlighted, “For me, one of the major discoveries from the UX Podcast was the rule of three, which bears the archetypal significance for people. Overall, whenever I listen to this podcast on design technologies applied in UX, I feel like I’ve finally met fellow travelers on the same path to user experience excellence through digital design.

Bernard Marr’s Future of Business & Technology Podcast

Host: Bernard Marr

Listen on Spotify.

It often ranks first among the greatest podcasts about technology and business merged into one synergetic whole.

Bernard Marr engages in insightful interviews with entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and industry insiders who offer diverse perspectives on tech trends and innovations transforming businesses and creating future-proof organizations. They talk about disruptions like these:

  • Data empowerment

  • 5G

  • Cloud networking

  • Quantum computing

  • Generative AI

  • The Metaverse, etc.

Tony Mariotti, CEO of RubyHome, says, “Marr’s podcast is the #1 on my playlist because his enthusiasm for the future of business and technology is contagious. He motivates listeners to adapt to changes and embrace discussed innovations. I particularly liked the latest episodes with futuristic contemplations on the Metaverse, a reality beyond our fantasies. And it was Marr’s idea of moving real estate to the Metaverse that served as an eye-opening revelation for me to contemplate on the business scope.

TED Tech

Host: Sherrell Dorsey

Listen on Spotify.

Where on Earth will people live in the future in a climate-disrupted world? Is technology our savior or slayer under these circumstances?

These are only a few questions you can find answers to in the TED Tech podcast.

When Friday comes, I dive into the TED Tech podcast to explore the world’s most pressing concerns and how people solve them with the help of technologies,” shares Pierce Hogan, Owner of Varied Lands. “It’s truly breathtaking to discover how humans can combine creative superpowers with tech tools and shape a greener future.”

Indeed, many episodes dive into the role of technology in sustainable development. For instance, thanks to green practices powered by AI/ML, people can cope with mega-fires, restore ocean ecosystems, or reduce air pollution, among other problems associated with the climate crisis. Then, some nanoparticles can help us fight hunger around the globe.

CyberWire Daily

Host: Dave Bittner

Listen on Spotify.

A cybercrime syndicate.

A battle for digital sovereignty.

The supply chain is in disarray.

As Ian Sells, CEO of Million Dollar Sellers, puts it, “Sometimes, listening to CyberWire Daily podcast episodes may feel like watching crime thrillers on Netflix. It is captivating and exciting, and you never know what comes next. And it is one of the best tech podcasts with a perpetual source of cybersecurity news and trends worth following, essential for those involved in the eCommerce business.”

CyberWire Daily is also a vital knowledge resource for you if you are planning a career in cybersecurity. It is full of the freshest news on cybersecurity, emerging cyber threats, and advice with profound analytics from cybersecurity professionals on handling them.

The podcast addresses a diverse set of topics related to digital security:

And this list is never-ending because there appears to be something new in cybersecurity technology every day.

Techmeme Ride Home

Host: Brian McCullough

Listen on Spotify.

What do you usually do at 5 p.m. every day?

You should tweak your schedule to get your daily portion of tech news at this time and hear how tech is changing the world every second.

That’s what Tim White, Founder of milepro, did when he started listening to Techmeme Ride Home. He observes, “Only 15 or 20 minutes at most, and voila—you’re on the right track of daily happenings in the tech universe with Techmeme Ride Home. Besides, Brian McCullough’s enthusiastic and emotional voice can brighten your day, trust me. I also can’t help but recommend his book, How the Internet Happened: From Netscape to the iPhone, for avid readers, not just listeners.

Btw, this podcast about technology appears at the perfect time when people typically commute home from work. If it coincides with your commuting time, great! You can listen to the podcast and keep up with the tech industry on the go.

So, grab your headphones, tune in, and let these podcasts guide you in your tech discoveries. Happy listening!

The Ironhack Podcast is waiting for your ears.

And hey, just for a moment before you go, check out Ironhack’s bootcamps. These immersive programs are gateways to new skills and career opportunities, from web development to UX/UI design to data analytics. Pick your preferred route and navigate your tech career journey quickly and confidently!

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