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3 January 2024 - 5 minutes

AI and Creativity: How Artificial Intelligence Is Redefining Digital Art and Design

AI and art come together to create new and boundary-challenging possibilities


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Articles by Ironhack

Artificial Intelligence

Imagine the most incredible, out-there design in the world. Merely ten years ago, creating that design would have been unimaginable; today, thanks to artificial intelligence, it’s a complete reality. Artificial intelligence technology has helped us harness our creativity and explore completely new areas of digital design and art. 

There are lots of ways artificial intelligence has transformed the way we design and create art (and don’t worry, we’ll get into that later!), but one of the most transformative is the incredible level of personalization that we can expect from designs. Consumers are now used to seeing content that’s been curated specifically for them, increasing personalization and overall pleasure with it. 

In this article, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence has advanced in the art and design field, providing us with unique and personalized experiences that benefit the entire user experience. Let’s dive right in. 

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

To understand the effect that artificial intelligence has had on the digital and artistic sphere, it’s important to comprehend exactly how artificial intelligence has transformed the way we think and act. Here are some of the main benefits of artificial intelligence: 

  • Vast ability to process information: the limits of artificial intelligence are practically nonexistent; it’s able to process and sort incredible amounts of information, making sense of patterns and trends and draw conclusions that a human would be unable to recognize. 

  • Making the best of both humans and machines: you’ve probably heard about AI taking over and occupying all human jobs, but well-designed artificial intelligence technology takes advantage of the best qualities and abilities of both humans and machines, allowing machines to take on the dull and data-heavy responsibilities and letting humans navigate solutions to provide the best option for their client. 

  • Incredible personalization: as we mentioned, AI technologies are able to process vast amounts of data and can use this information to create personalized experiences for each client that make them feel special and convince them to become loyal customers. 

  • Automating tasks: some parts of the design process are tedious and truly don’t require human intervention; artificial intelligence can automate these repetitive tasks, freeing up the human’s time for more exciting tasks. 

So what exactly do we mean when we talk about artificial intelligence creating designs? We have a few examples that will help you get a better picture of what we’re talking about. 

Generative Adversarial Networks 

Imagine creating a piece of artwork that’s never been seen before in a matter of seconds. From funny images of your dog in Victorian clothes to previewing how a new hotel would look in a city, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are specifically designed to create images that are similar to photographs that it’s fed; this means that it creates images that do not exist in real life. 

GANs are deep learning architectures that exclusively create new data and information based on the details it’s given. Apart from fooling around and creating funny images, GANs are used to: 

  • Create new human poses for modeling 

  • Make photos into emojis 

  • Age a person 

  • Change a person’s clothing 

Convolutional Neural Network 

Contrary to GANs, convolutional neural networks are used to recognize patterns, trends, and styles, used specifically to categorize visual images. This is valuable to extract certain features from images and detect certain objects, frequently used for: 

  • Medical image analysis

  • Recommendation systems 

  • Increased security 

Artificial Intelligence and Music

The impact of artificial intelligence and visual art isn’t the only one to keep in mind; artificial intelligence and music have also come together to create a truly incredible vision where there are no limits. There are two main uses of artificial intelligence in the music industry: 

  • Creating similar sounds: artificial intelligence technology has advanced to the point that it’s able to process music it’s fed and create incredibly similar yet different sounds that could be attributed to the same artist. 

  • Creating new sounds: on the other hand, artificial intelligence can be used to create completely different sounds and even entire songs, meaning a future where a computer is the artist on the Top 50 list is a reality. 

Artificial Intelligence and Writing

Ever get so tired of writing that you wish it could be done for you? Well, that’s becoming a reality. Artificial intelligence is capable of predicting what you want to write next, suggest spelling or grammar corrections, providing alternatives for certain words, and much more. And thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, artificial intelligence is learning more and more about sounding like a natural human voice, incorporating slang, jargon, dialects, and much more. 

There’s a whole separate area of artificial intelligence and writing, however. Thanks to technological advances in artificial intelligence’s ability to mimic the human voice and process vast amounts of information, some news networks are turning to automated journalism, which uses artificial intelligence technology to write reports in a matter of seconds, reducing the time that it takes for their readers to access the information. 

In a world where speed matters and accurate and current information is what readers seek, automated journalism is completely transformative. 

The possibilities of artificial intelligence are vast and it’s just the beginning: as more and more companies choose artificial intelligence technologies to help advance their business, the need for skilled artificial intelligence professionals will rise exponentially. Knowing how to harness the power of artificial intelligence for good and reduce the burden on humans will continue to transform the way in which we work. 

If you’re interested in becoming the world’s next artificial intelligence professional, you’re in the right place. At Ironhack, we offer up-to-date, expertly designed courses that aim to teach you exactly what you need to know to break into the tech sector. Discover our various bootcamps today and take that first step. 

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