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September 25, 2020

Cybersecurity: A Promising Career in the Technology Sector


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Every time you turn on a computer, install an application on your mobile phone, or even when you use tools like WhatsApp or Instagram, you are putting your security at risk without being aware of it.

How many times have you looked at the permissions you give when you subscribe to something as simple as a newsletter ? Do you think it is a coincidence that you see ads about vacation spots or tech products that you just talked about with your friends through your smartphone ? Maybe the time has come for us to talk about the meaning of cybersecurity.

What is cybersecurity?

Talking about cybersecurity means talking about the adequate protection of information in the digital world. A digital world that covers more areas of our life everyday: leisure, work, communications, etc. Practically all the activities we carry out are directly related to technology which creates more opportunities for our information to fall into the hands of someone who wants to harm us. Ensuring the security of your information is increasingly important.

While it is true that technology is the most powerful tool the world has known in recent decades, it’s also true that there have been a high number of data breaches and scares where sensitive information has been made public by neglect or bad faith. Criminal networks operating on a global scale, launching complex attacks in a matter of minutes, have become a very real and present danger.

Data such as your photos, videos, personal details, search history, and even your browsing history are important parts of your privacy. These precious assets are increasingly at risk as classic antivirus softwares are less and less effective due to the agility of cybercriminals. The Internet is an exceptional tool, but it’s also a double-edged sword. Therefore, having professionals trained in cybersecurity is increasingly important in people's lives and in the job market.

The widespread use of the Internet, the digitization of the economy and the rise of new technologies are cornerstones that define a global transformation in which the limited security of our passwords is a gateway to our identity. If these passwords are hacked or stolen the consequences can be devastating.


An increasingly sought-after profile

Cyberattacks are taking place more and more frequently and a breach can put the integrity of any company at risk, regardless of its size. This means that reducing the exposure risk of sensitive data has become a basic requirement for today's businesses and many find that the most efficient way to protect company information is to use the cloud. 

In this time of uncertainty in which we have been forced to change our habits and our relationship with technology in our personal and professional lives. Now more than ever, after months adapting to a new normal in which the use of technology in our jobs has massively increased, better security is essential if we do not want to become victims of cybercrimes, which can include the theft of intellectual property, the extraction of compromising and confidential information, or even the removal of entire databases.

Becoming certified in cybersecurity  is to aim with certainty towards a fundamental field in a world in which identity, privacy and security are essential values. Join our new Cybersecurity Bootcamp to get certified and start competing for roles that are an essential profile in any company.

Still not sure? Here are a few more reasons to consider:

Five reasons to study cybersecurity

1. You will become a 21st century Superhero 

When a company manages to avoid a cyber attack thanks to your hard work, you’ll realize we’re not exaggerating when we say this. If you have ever been told that wanting to dedicate your life to doing good was the result of having seen too many movies, you can officially tell the naysayers that they’re wrong. If you train in cybersecurity, you will ensure the security of your clients, employers, and anyone else you choose to help. You will create safe environments by protecting the fundamental raw material of digital services, data, against hackers and other cybercriminals.

2. You will bet on a sector with a booming professional demand

Cybersecurity specialists are increasingly indispensable. An expert in this area knows different protocols, standards, tools, methods, and even laws to stop the possible theft of information from a company. Companies and governments around the world face an increasing number of cyberattacks every day, while the number of professionals dedicated to fighting these attacks remains insufficient to meet the demand. According to data from the specialized publication Cybersecurity Ventures, job offers in cybersecurity will increase by 350 percent by 2021.

3. A salary to match

Working in digital security is synonymous with job stability. The average salary of a Cybersecurity Specialist in the U.S is between $121,890 and $153,610 per year depending on responsibility and specialization. The highest numbers are associated with security managers, although those who opt for options such as System and Network Security Administration, Security Consulting and Ethical Hacking, or Data Protection Management have little to envy.

4. You will develop skills that few know

Technological trends such as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Cloud Computing , Big Data , Internet of Things, and mobile apps require training and solutions that pose real challenges for technology professionals. Knowing how to respond appropriately to the security threats against services and applications like these will make you a versatile expert in whom companies will want to place their trust and confidentiality.

5. You will have an exciting job

You will face exciting and continuous challenges, as you learn how to be the best guardian of your team.You will have to put yourself in other people’s shoes, know how to listen, learn about their problems, and provide the best solutions. It’s not likely that you will ever get bored. You will also have to educate the teams you work with about the proper use of their devices to avoid unforeseen events. It’s possible that you will work in large, high-level companies with increasingly complex data security needs. Do you want to learn what it takes to ensure the privacy and security of those companies? Become a cybersecurity specialist and keep hackers from putting the digital services of those you work with in danger.

If you want to develop the basic skills to become a cybersecurity professional, check out our Cybersecurity Bootcamp in a remote environment. In just 12 weeks you can have everything you need to get a job in an unstoppable industry. Register today!


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