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January 12, 2023 - 10 minutes

Tech Tools to Get your Hands On in 2023

The world of tech is constantly expanding, as are the tech tools that you’ll want to get your hands on this year. We’ve compiled a list of 10 tech tools that you or your business will want to be taking advantage of. 


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Tech tools are an essential way businesses gain a competitive advantage in the tech industry. The tech tools we have at our fingertips are always advancing and should be regularly updated in order to help your company forge ahead in the ever changing tech landscape. Here are some of the latest tech tools to get your hands on in 2023. 

Tech Tools for Web Development

Web development tools have greatly expanded in the last few years and finding the best tools to help with web development is more important than ever. There are a number of softwares, plug-ins and add-ons to help developers save time, improve workflow and take their development abilities to the next level. Here are a few that we’d recommend.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a web development tool that helps with code editing. Its easy-to-use interface, well designed layout, and quick access to files, symbols and lines make it one of the most beloved tools by web developers. The program offers an array of keyboard shortcuts to help make efficient edits and simultaneous changes to multiple selections of code. It can be downloaded for Windows, MAC and Linux.

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Efficient and Clean Interface: Sublime’s easy-to-use interface is complete with keyboard shortcuts, easy navigation between files, overall multitasker friendly which is huge in the world of web design. 

  • Multi-Select Tool: The multi select tool helps make several changes at once without having to individually change each part of the code. The layout has been tweaked to make code navigation more intuitive than ever. 

  • Auto-Completion: Provides smart completions of code based on existing code in a project. Its efficiency in this sense is unparalleled. 

Price Plans offered by Sublime Text: 

May be downloaded and for free, but a license is required for continued use. 

Personal License: $99

Website: Sublime Text

Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is a Google Chrome extension that helps edit and add styles to HTML, troubleshoot your JavaScript, gain information on how a web page is running, and optimize website speed. It’s free, Google releases an update every 6 weeks, and there are already a number of users and an online community to help better take advantage of what the tool offers. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Sources Panel Overview: The panel overview allows you to view and edit files, create Snippets, debug JavaScript, and organize workspaces in Chrome DevTools Sources panel. 

  • Inspecting and Troubleshooting: Chrome DevTools is known for being able to help fix JavaScript bugs, pause code at the breakpoint, and fix different scenarios as quickly as possible. 

  • Performance Features: DevTools allows you to analyze the runtime performance of a webpage, looking specifically at the response, animation and idle phases of your page. 

  • Endless Resources: Google releases an update every 6 weeks, there are countless tutorials and information online to help utilize the tools to their full capacity. 

Price Plans offered by Chrome DevTools: 


Website: Chrome DevTools


Given our reliance upon technology and the vulnerability that comes with our dependency on the Cloud, many businesses consider cyber security one of their top priorities. Companies cannot risk potential financial loss due, interception of company or customer data, nor a damaged reputation as a result of cyber crime. As a result, being aware of the top cyber security tools is more important than ever.


Acunetix is a cyber security tool designed for small businesses, pentesters and web designers. Acunetix is used to scan websites and web apps for vulnerabilities. The product tests for over 7k potential security risks at record speeds. It has become a top rated tool by industry experts. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Security Analytics: Acunetix scans everything from simple web pages to password-protected areas in order to find potential vulnerabilities in web applications. 

  • Solution Based: After a lightning-fast scan, Acunetix provides actionable results confirming which vulnerabilities are real so that they can be fixed before they become issues. 

  • Integration: Acunetix can be integrated with current systems and immediately scans as you build so that issues are caught before they end up in production. 

Price Plans offered by Acunetix: 

Custom Pricing: Get a quote from Acunetix. 

Website: Acunetix

Perimeter 81

Perimeter 81 is an all-in-one cloud based security network management tool. The platform protects user traffic and endpoints, helps create custom, scalable network access policies, and integrates local and cloud resources. Perimeter 81 provides user-centric security through Identity Providers, 2FA, Single Sign-On and granular access policies. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Total Network Visibility: Perimeter 80 offers integrated security across local and cloud environments.

  • User-Centric Access: Perimeter 80 utilizes identity providers to help define users and create access rules for network segments. 

  • Multi-Layered Security: Perimeter 81 enforces the use of encryption, 2FA and Single Sign-On to access resources. 

  • Full VPN Encryption: Always-on encryption ensures devices are unable to access sensitive corporate resources without first connecting through Perimeter 81.

Price Plans offered by Perimeter 81: 

Perimeter 81 Essentials: $8 per user per month

Perimeter 81 Premium: $12 per user per month

Perimeter 81 Premium Plus: $16 per user per month

Perimeter 81 Enterprise: Custom pricing 

Website: Perimeter 81

SecPod SanerNow

SecPod SanerNow is a cyber hygiene platform that offers active risk management and cyber attack prevention. The tool scans for miscalculations, vulnerabilities and other potential cyber risks and provides methods for remediation. It’s built for use by small to large businesses. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • World’s Largest Built in Vulnerability Database: SecPod SanerNow helps mitigate risks with comprehensive scans based on their homegrown SCAP feed with over 160,000 vulnerability checks. Their feed has been built in hand with over a decade of security research. 

  • Vulnerability Scans: SecPod SanerNow offers real time, on demand, and continuous security scans and can detect risks in under 5 minutes. These scans can also be scheduled. 

  • Integration: SanerNow’s tools are supported by all major operating systems like Wingos, MAC, Linux and over 350 third-part applications. This allows for greater security scans and reduces vulnerability to exposure on a larger scale. 

Price Plans offered by SecPod SanerNow: 

Custom Pricing: Get a Quote from SecPod SanerNow

Website: SecPod SanerNow

Data Analytics

Data analysis without a doubt plays a huge role in decision making processes for businesses today. As data collection expands, the tools to help gather insight from that data equally grow. Here are a couple of the tools that we would recommend for 2023. 


Tableau is a data visualization tool used to create data dashboards and worksheets. It offers unparalleled visual data representations, is interactive and quickly analyzes large amounts of data. Its main drawback is that Tableau does not offer a scripting layer meaning that it’s limited when it comes to pre-processing data or building more complex calculations. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Visual Analytics: Tableau helps people and organizations make the most out of their data through data visualization. It’s considered the most popular data visualization tool in the industry. 

  • Intuitive and User-Friendly: Tableau is as easy as dragging and dropping data into the interface. From that data, Tableau creates insightful dashboards in just a few clicks. It was built to be easily used by folks without much data analysis experience. 

  • What if Analysis: The easy-to-use tool allows for analysts to manipulate the data and test for different situations. 

  • Data Prep: Tableau allows for data to enter from multiple sources varying file types. The tool offers support in organizing that data into columns, dashboards and worksheets. 

Price Plans offered by Tableau: 

Tableau Creator: $70 per month per user

Tableau Explorer: $42 per month per user

Tableau Viewer: $15 per month per user

Website: Tableau


KNIME is an open-source and cloud-based data integration platform. It’s primarily used for data mining and machine learning. It’s intuitive layout makes the data easy to understand to folks with limited data analysis experience. Between being free and user-friendly, there’s no excuse for not taking advantage of what the tool could offer your company. The tool is flexible and customizable to the needs of your organization --making it highly used specifically by small businesses. The tool is more useful if you already have experience using R and Python. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Graphical User Interface (GUI): KNIME offers a drag-and-drop graphical user interface making visual programming easy for users without technical experience. 

  • Gather and shape data: KNIME helps blend and transform data from a variety of sources into one platform and workflow environment. 

  • Delivers Business Insights: Using KNIME, your team will feel empowered by its easy-to-use interface to deliver usable, reliable and reproducible insights for the business. 

  • Interact and collaborate: KNIME allows users to interact with the data in a highly participatory manner. Through the generation of models, KNIME helps users to look back into the data science cycle and update data sources, tweak parameters, insert domain knowledge in order to update data or gain additional insights. 

Price Plans offered by KNIME: 

KNIME Analytics Platform: Free 

KNIME Hub: Custom Pricing 

Website: KNIME

UX/UI Design

If you work in the world of UX/UI design, then it’s time to improve your work with the assistance of these top design tools. We looked for design tools that offered a user-friendly layout and a smooth-functioning interface. Equally, the software must be intuitive, functional, and follow an appropriate style guide in terms of branding, colors, logos, layout and overall style. With this in mind, we would recommend starting 2023 with the following: 


Figma is an easy-to-use prototyping tool that helps transform static designs into lively animations and interactive prototypes. It’s affordable, user-friendly, and requires no knowledge of coding. Its intuitive platform lets you design prototypes, integrate those prototypes with third-party applications, and store designs in the cloud. Figma is one of the best tools for team collaboration while offering top data security. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Prototype Design: Build and animate prototypes using their user-friendly interface.

  • Advanced tools: Offers advanced tools to help with animation, insert transitions, and smart editing. Figma boasts about their auto layouts, modern pen tool, and other one of a kind features.

  • Cloud-Based: Connected to the cloud for easy access to designs and ability to work on the design from anywhere. Access from all devices. 

  • Multiplayer editing: Option of sharing prototypes, commenting on designs, and conversing with others viewing the prototype. With an unlimited number of viewers and easy export tool, Figma is one of the best options for collaborative work. 

Price Plans offered by Figma:

Starter: Free 

Figma Professional: $12 per editor per month (Free for students and educators)

Figma Organization: $45 per editor per month

Figma Enterprise: $75 per editor per month

Website: Figma


InVision is a powerful all-in-one tool for designing and animating prototypes. The affordable and easy to navigate application will leave you saving time and money as you make and share scalable prototypes and interactive designs. There’s an initial learning curve, however, the program is ultimately user-friendly and compatible with other commonly used design applications. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Prototype Design: Users can create interactive designs and animated prototypes using premade templates and useful ad-ons.

  • Advanced Tools: InVision offers instant playback, point-and-shoot prototyping, screen animations, and mobile device mirroring among other tools. 

  • Cloud-Based: Designs are saved and can be shared on the cloud. 

  • Integration: InVision allows for integration with a number of other applications including Adobe XD, Asana, Azure DevOps, Coda, Figma, Google Docs among others. 

Price Plans offered by InVision: 

Starter: Free

InVision Pro: $4 per active user per month

InVision Enterprise: Custom pricing

Website: InVision


Sketch is a well-known prototyping tool trusted by freelancers as well as multinational companies like Google, Facebook and Stripe. The tool allows designers to make universal changes at once, for example, changing text styles, layers, or resizing or aligning designs. That feature saves time for designers and allows for consistency of designs. Sketch is easily integrated with plugins and over 700 extensions created by the Sketch development team. 

Notable Characteristics: 

  • Prototype Design: Sketch is first and foremost a prototype design too. It allows users to turn static sketches into interactive designs. 

  • Work Collaboratively: Sketch Workspace offers the ability to work collaboratively on designs, comment, store and share files, get feedback and manage the collective workload. 

  • Customer Service: Given the amount of Sketch specific extensions, the company is known for their active customer service options. Live chat support is offered at all hours as the company is committed to customer success. 

Price Plans offered by Sketch: 

Starter: 30 day free trial

Sketch Standard: $9 per editor per month

Sketch Business: $20 per editor per month

Website: Sketch

Be on top of the tech trends and tools that will transform business in 2023. From web development to cyber security, these tools will help you dominate in the field of tech this year.

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