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December 21, 2022 - 5 minutes

Get into Cybersecurity in 2023

Did you know that skilled cybersecurity professionals are in demand? That’s why we created our Cybersecurity bootcamp. 

Juliette Carreiro

Tech Writer

Articles by Juliette

Cybersecurity is one of those buzzwords that we hear all the time, but if you were put on the spot, could you define it? We can: cybersecurity is protecting internet-connected systems from cyber attacks or threats. Both individuals and organizations employ cybersecurity professionals to guard their private or sensitive data.

Companies that have cybersecurity policies can benefit from the following: 

  • Protection against cyberattacks and data breaches

  • Network protection 

  • No unauthorized user access 

  • Protection for end users and endpoint devices 

  • Improved trust and confidence in the company 

Still not sure what cyber threats exist? Phishing, ransomware, and medical device attacks are three of the most common. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • Phishing: this is probably one of the most well-known cyber attacks and uses targeted digital messages to trick people into clicking on a link which will then expose their data or install malware on their device. Through phishing, cybercriminals can gain access to financial information, user logins, and more. 

  • Ransomware: ransomware attacks are typically launched at companies and use technologies to allow them to take control of a company’s entire database and systems, holding the information for ransom. 

  • Medical device attacks: today, the vast majority of patient records are held online and hackers can take advantage of this to hack hospital systems and release sensitive information. 

Why Cybersecurity? 

Cybersecurity is more important today than ever before, protecting the following information: sensitive data, personally identifiable information, protected health information, personal information, intellectual property, data, and governmental and industry information systems. 

Take a look at these four reasons why cybersecurity is on the rise: 

  1. Increased cyber threats to companies: as more and more people have access to the Internet, cybercriminals are taking the opportunity to get the organization’s data and engage in theft, fraudulent emails, financial theft, hacking, viruses, and more. 

  2. Increased cyber threats to individuals: regardless of who you are, individuals are also susceptible to cyber attacks which can result in identity theft, financial theft, and more.

  3. Cybercrime is expensive: did you know that data breaches can cost companies an average of $3.62 million? And the recent expansion from office working to remote working at home has facilitated even more attacks and data breaches. 

  4. Cybercriminals are also evolving: as cybersecurity gets more sophisticated, so do cyberattacks. Companies can’t just put one cybersecurity policy into place; having a developed and evolving cybersecurity team can help prevent future, new attacks.

What Do Cybersecurity Professionals Do? 

To put it simply, cybersecurity professionals protect a company’s software, hardware, and company networks from cyber attacks and threats. And to do this, they study the IT infrastructure of the company to fully understand the network and anticipate any possible breaches. 

On a more detailed level, cybersecurity professionals control and limit user access controls and access management systems, monitor network and application performance, identify irregular activity, run regular audits on security practices, create a disaster/recovery plan in the case of a data breach, and work with the rest of the company to educate the team on the importance of cybersecurity. 

Skills of cybersecurity professionals 

Although cybersecurity skills mean that you can take on a wide range of roles, cybersecurity professionals should have the following hard and soft skills: 

  1. Network and system administration

  2. Operating systems and virtual machines knowledge

  3. Network security control 

  4. Coding

  5. Cloud security 

  6. Internet of Things

  7. Blockchain 

  8. AI 

  9. Critical thinking 

  10. Risk analysis 

Career Options in Cybersecurity

As a relatively new field, the options in cybersecurity are endless. Here’s a helpful breakdown of possible roles and the path they could provide: 

Entry level positions in cybersecurity

Cyprographers, security engineers, ethical hackers, security analysts, forensic experts, vulnerability assessors, security administrators. 

Mid-level positions in cybersecurity

Security architect, incident response, security auditor, policy positions.

Senior management positions in cybersecurity 

Security manager, security director, Chief Information Security Officer 

These diverse roles and clear ladder to climb can help you gain the necessary skills and experience to become a well-paid, skilled cybersecurity professional. 

Cybersecurity with Ironhack 

You now understand why cybersecurity is such a crucial part of all companies, no matter the size. At Ironhack, we’re dedicated to training the next generation of cybersecurity professionals with the exact skills you need to know - and nothing else. Here’s what to expect from Ironhack’s cybersecurity bootcamp: 

Online prework 

Cybersecurity prework: before the course 

This course has 20 hours of prework, where you’ll become familiar with computer systems, operating systems, and networks; this is the essential knowledge you need to start learning once the bootcamp starts. And don’t worry: despite the fact that it’s online, you’ll have online assistance from Ironhack’s staff and other students. 

Module 1 

Introduction to cybersecurity

Learn the theoretical concepts behind cybersecurity to fully understand the industry such as networking traffic, communication principles, network protocols, telecommunication concepts, and the OWASP principles. During this module, you’ll begin your first project and get your hands dirty creating and analyzing critical network servers, encrypting and decrypting data, and more. 

Module 2

Security and threats 

Put your skills to the test and start identifying and dealing with common threats; you’ll create a detection and prevention system in addition to just identifying problems. Module 2 will also host information on cyber-forensic methodologies and investigation, helping you build a secure environment. 

Module 3

Real projects for your new career 

During the last weeks of your bootcamp, it’s time to tackle real time cyberattacks and focus on market trends and the latest happenings in the sector. Your final project will show off everything you’ve learned, solidify those hard skills and prepare you for your professional journey.

What to expect from Ironhack’s Cybersecurity bootcamp:

Join the fastest growing area in tech…

  • Cybersecurity has had 0% unemployment for almost ten years; this is the perfect industry to dive into. 

…take advantage of the workplace gap…

  • Companies are in desperate need of skilled professionals that can handle the newest challenges in cybersecurity. 

…learn to handle digital breaches and business vulnerabilities…

  • Learn the skills needed to protect e-commerce, mobile payments, cloud computing, Big Data and analytics, social media, IoT, AI, machine learning, and much more. 

…and understand the importance of cybersecurity post-pandemic. 

  • More people are working from home and cybercriminals are taking advantage of weaker systems; this is the time to jump into the industry. 

Why Choose Ironhack? 

Ironhack’s bootcamps are specifically designed to get you ready for a career in cybersecurity with intensive and practical training. And that’s not all: Ironhack also offers financing options, career services, and a robust alumni network

Are you ready to change your life and enroll in Ironhack’s Cybersecurity bootcamp today? Apply now.

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