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July 6, 2022

Life After The Great Resignation: The UK Guide On How to Retrain In Tech

“The phrase ‘The Great Resignation’ was coined back in May 2021, as the COVID pandemic entered its second year. And the movement is here to stay.

Ellen Merryweather

Senior Content Manager

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You’re reading an exclusive preview of our latest whitepaper: Life After The Great Resignation: The UK Guide on How to Retrain in Tech.

Millions of workers around the world are re-evaluating their job and how it fits into their lifestyle – and you might be one of them. According to one survey, a third of UK workers are considering a career change in 2022. Are you one of them? Where do you want to work? What do you want to do? How can you achieve that elusive work-life balance? Do your career hopes look completely different to the way they did two years ago? 

It's time to make the most of new opportunities. With a growing number of job vacancies and digital skills in high demand, retraining with Ironhack is a great way to maximise them.

Ironhack bootcamps aren’t just about coding: think about Web Development, UX and UI Design, as well as Data Analytics and even Cybersecurity – which is a job with 0% unemployment because there’s so much demand. 

You’ll be building connections and working on live projects from day one, learning vital skills that will boost your chances of walking into a higher-paid job.

A Great Time To Build a New Career

Job vacancies are at an all-time high and digital skills such as web development, UX/UI and data analytics are in big demand.

The Great Resignation is happening - maybe you’re one of the millions of people who are looking for more from their job. More work/life balance. More remote working. More autonomy. More of the lifestyle you want. And more opportunities.

In the UK, ONS figures show the number of job vacancies outnumbers the number of unemployed people for the first time on record. With so many vacancies in tech jobs, particularly web development, cyber security, data analytics and UX/UI roles, the time to retrain is now. 

But if you’re staying in the same job, it’s vital that you expand your capabilities. Digital skills are no longer optional. Are you ready for the next five years of your career? 

Should You Pursue a Career in Tech?

Think about the last job you had. Now think about your transferable skills. From problem solving and the ability to think creatively, to time management and leadership, you already have skills that you can use in a technical role. All you need is the training to complement those skills.

The tech industry has always been open to remote work - and the more tech-driven the world becomes, the more companies need software engineers, developers, product managers and UX designers. What do all these jobs have in common? They all require the skills you’ll learn on an Ironhack course.

Change The Way You Think About Tech Education

Learn in-demand tech skills without spending three years at university.

Tech vacancies are booming, but could you walk into a job and hit the ground running with a degree? Current tuition fees for a degree course in England are up to £9,250 a year, so by the time you’ve graduated you’ll have racked up debts of nearly £30,000 - and that’s before you factor in the cost of accommodation, bills and food, which is at an all-time high. And without the hands-on experience you need, you’d still have to start at the bottom after graduating.

Of course, you could teach yourself many skills and take a few short courses if you have the discipline.

But if you don’t want to wait three years to kick-start your career - and you’re eager to learn valuable practical skills from day one, bootcamps are for you. The moment you start studying with Ironhack, you’ll be working on practical projects that boost your skills, teamwork and confidence. 

Ironhack courses are widely recognised by companies with vacancies in the tech field. Once you finish your intensive course, you’ll be focussed, skilled up and ready to jump into your first job. 

Graduates learn on the job, but Ironhackers get a head-start…

Interested in learning more? Download the full whitepaper to find out what the job opportunities in the UK tech industry are like in 2022, as well as what some of our alumni achieved after graduation.

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