Changing The Future of Tech Education
We bring you everything from the latest news and easy-to-understand breakdowns of tech topics, to career advice and guides for navigating the industry. Everything a newbie to the tech world needs to find their feet!
Ironhack - 2020-09-25
Every time you turn on a computer, install an application on your mobile phone, or even when you use tools like WhatsApp or Instagram, you are putting your security at risk without being aware of it. …
Ironhack - 2020-09-21
A career in web development has become a popular choice in recent years, but it carries with it a lot of unknowns. In this post, we are going to explore what those career paths look like, from the mos…
5 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-09-14
From Business Administration to Web Development with Ironhack Remote
Ironhack - 2020-08-20
Throughout the UX Design Bootcamp, we are faced with more than one project, each one requiring a search for themes and ideas. We will build our project little by little and, most likely, the first con…
Ironhack - 2020-07-29
Freelance, digital nomad, digital maker, remote worker… Different names with the same goal: freedom. Working or studying on your own might be appealing but before going solo, there are some questions …
Ironhack - 2020-07-23
In recent decades, the technology industry has seen the most growth in areas of Artificial Intelligence and, more specifically, Machine Learning. In a world where data has become a highly prized commo…
Ironhack - 2020-07-15
Cutting-edge UX/UI expertise requires keeping up with your reading. We recommend some of the best reads for designers.
Ironhack - 2020-06-18
Is this a new trend or a chance to upshift your career? You've probably heard the term mentioned more than once and you'll know it's somehow related to technology, development, a career shift, innovat…
5 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-17
The following article is the testimonial story of Neha Khachhibhoya, a Nepali woman who came all the way from Nepal to study a Web Developement Bootcamp at Ironhack Barcelona. Continue reading to learn more about her story:
Ironhack - 2020-06-15
Ah, the million dollar question. There’s a lively debate around this topic that never seems to be settled once and for all. Companies will tell you one thing. Developers will defend something else. De…
Ironhack - 2020-06-10
We know learning online brings a lot of questions: Will I be able to keep up the pace being at home? Will I finish the course? Will Ironhack be worth it? We know learning online is not easy, but Ironh…
Ironhack - 2020-06-08
Since Ironhack started, we’ve been fully committed to figuring out the best way to help our students land the best quality jobs, as fast as possible. Our vision remains to become the most outcomes-focused institution in the world, at scale.
4 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-05
Whatever your area of development, knowing how to use the most useful functions of the library you're working with is going to make your life a lot easier.
Ironhack - 2020-06-03
Ironhack arrived in Mexico City in January 2018 with the goal of helping to prepare the next generation of digital professionals.
Ironhack - 2020-06-03
The idea behind Ironhack was inspired by one of those cliché business stories of our generation. Two business school, non-technical guys. A “great” idea for a tech product. BUT, no clue how to build it.
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
When Julia decided to enroll in the Ironhack Bootcamp about a year ago, with the support of Zalando, she may have slightly underestimated her return. Focused at the time on the challenges the course, she admits that she is surprised at “how much can change in three months”.
4 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Elina Nenonen completed the most recent cohort of the Web Development Bootcamp in Barcelona and was one of the first students to be part of the new campus launch. Now that she’s back home in Finland, …
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
College students and graduates share a common predicament: insufficient groundwork necessary to find a job.
3 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Thor completed the Web Development Bootcamp in Ironhack Barcelona and has since worked as a freelancer at our campus. It’s been a pleasure having him around and seeing him program. So much so, that he’s joining our staff officially as a TA for the next Web Development Bootcamp. We took advantage of our close proximity to him to learn more about his Ironhack experience. We present to you our almost-coworker in Ironhack, Mr Thor!
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
If you are thinking about learning a programming language, or even want to become a (web) developer, there are basically two big, interrelated, hurdles that you need to overcome. The first is "which l…
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Jimmy: Alright, so we are recording. Welcome back to another Ironhack Student Podcast, I am Jimmy. And in case you don’t know what Ironhack is we are a coding bootcamp and a UX/UI bootcamp so basically that means that if you have a curiosity to either level up your career, completely change directions of your career, recent graduate who wants to acquire a new skill or if you’re just kind of confused in what to do in life, this is something to consider. So basically, we take people from zero to 100 real quick.
4 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
In August 2018, I was an Ironhack student. Prior to this, I’d done almost no coding. I'd tried to learn on my own but would always become stuck or unmotivated. In March 2018, I attended a WeCode works…
5 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
From E-commerce to Web Development with Ironhack Amsterdam
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
According to Spain’s Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the presence of women at universities has undergone a remarkable increase over the past few years, with nearly 55% of all enrolments in higher education coming from girls. But, why are just 12% signed up to do a degree in computer science?