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February 17, 2021

What does it mean to be an Ironhacker?


Changing The Future of Tech Education

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Studying Ironhack’s bootcamp is a challenge, a life change and a unique experience. The bonds that are created during the three or six month programs with your classmates are built forever. 

Not only do you become close with your classmates, you become part of the Ironhack family.  There’s a reason we say “Once an Ironhacker, always an Ironhacker”. We know It’s cheesy, but it’s true. Once enrolled in Ironhack have over 150+ Ironhack employees and 8,000 Ironhackers all over the world cheering you on.  

Depending on your journey through Ironhack, each one of you brings a special piece to the community. Whether you’re participating in events, mentoring students, collaborating, stopping by for a beer and even joining the Ironhack Staff (Shout out to our amazing teacher assistants). The key is that everyone, in one way or another, is part of this community united by a common passion: training and technology.

From the Ironhack Alumni Program we make sure that this community is active and we continue to offer value to our students even after the bootcamp. Our goal is to empower voices and foster collaboration.  We believe that this is one of the great benefits of being part of Ironhack.  Our community goes beyond the borders of the campus and reaches Miami, Berlin, Paris, Lisbon, Mexico, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​São Paulo, Amsterdam and now also remotely to wherever you decide to be. Being part of this global network provides a luxury that allows our alumni to interact with students from any area (UX / UI design, web development, cybersecurity and data analysis) anywhere in the world. It is a unique opportunity to share, learn and undertake a unique journey together!

Our alumni are connected through our Slack channel, which has more than 9,000 users and in which job openings, interesting articles and technology projects are shared. We also host events like the annual Alumni Summit, which takes place locally on campus and globally.

At the Ironbeers you can meet students from other cohorts and future students in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. In addition, each year we award the Alumni Awards to those students who stand out for representing our values, for participating in our mentoring programs, for being active members of the community or for having had a successful career.

aking the bootcamp is only the first step in a training that never ends. That means we continue to offer courses and workshops totally free for former students. And if you dare to study a second bootcamp, you’ll  have an exclusive discount on the second registration.

The Ironhack community does not stop growing and more and more students have changed or promoted their professional careers. Guided by one of our values ​​"love people and their stories", at Ironhack we hope to continue creating a positive impact on society, maintaining our focus on job placement, supporting diversity in the tech sector, creating entrepreneurship opportunities and always putting students at the center of everything we do.

If you also want to be an Ironhacker, check out our award winning courses and reach out to an admissions manager! We will be delighted to hear from you!

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