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Digital Nomad

November 24, 2022

Web Development Basics: Learn From Anywhere!

Learn new tech skills on the go, try out our masterclasses and start building your career

Ellen Merryweather

Senior Content Manager

Articles by Ellen

So, you’re thinking about learning Web Development. Perhaps you’re just looking to pick up some new skills to boost your current career, or maybe you’re a budding entrepreneur with dreams of building something for yourself. Or maybe you’re on the outside looking in, imagining what an amazing career in the tech industry might look like.

Going back to college or university to start learning Web Development might sound like overkill-- especially when you can pick up new skills anytime, from any place. What better way to spend the summer than Learning From Anywhere?

We’ve picked some of our best online masterclasses in Web Development so you can have a taste of bootcamp life, and get yourself ready for the adventure of a lifetime! We’ve also selected some great beginner resources to help you get started.

Looking for something different? Whether you’re building apps in Bali or studying data from the comfort of your own sofa, we’ve got plenty to keep you busy and get your mind moving. Check out the rest of the Learn From Anywhere series:

UX/UI Design Basics

Cybersecurity Basics

Data Analytics Basics

Web Development Basics: The Masterclasses

Grab yourself a coffee (iced, if you’re somewhere tropical) and dive into these beginner masterclasses. Give yourself the full bootcamp experience from the comfort of home or…wherever you are!

Coding 101: Writing Clean Code

Writing clean code should be the number one goal of any aspiring web developer. This helps you find and fix bugs, helps other developers review and build on your code, and ultimately leads to a better and more efficiently run program. In this webinar, you’ll be guided through some of the best practices to help write clean code.

Remote Web Development: Intro to Git, JS, HTML, & CSS

With remote working becoming increasingly common, we need tools that can allow us to simultaneously work on projects from anywhere in the world. For developers, Git and Github are THE tools that help us do that. In this webinar you’ll be introduced to Git and Github, and practice using them while coding your first mini project using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Build a Website in 60 Minutes with HTML & CSS

HTML and CSS form the building blocks of any web application. In this workshop, you will learn some important HTML & CSS basics and apply what you’ve learned to build your very own website in just 60 minutes! Time to get creative!

Blockchain 101: Coding the Basics

Do you want to understand the exciting world of Blockchain? In this webinar we will cover the basics of blockchain to help you understand how this promising technology works, and how you can take advantage of it.

Build an eCommerce with Javascript

Have you thought about launching an e-commerce, but you don’t know where to start? If the answer is yes, this is the tutorial for you! You will learn the basics of coding to build your first MVP for your e-commerce.

Web Development Basics: Further Reading

Don’t stop now! Your brain is buzzing and hungry for knowledge. Check out these great resources to keep you inspired and keep you learning.

Learn Web Development From Anywhere with a Remote Bootcamp

These masterclasses are just a taste of what you can get done with Web Development. If there’s nothing that fuels your fire more than learning new skills, and you’re excited about becoming a part of the tech industry, check out our remote Web Development bootcamp

While you're here, did you know that we wrote a whole eBook on becoming a digital nomad in tech? That's right! We did! Get your free copy for all the tips, tricks, inspiration, and non-nonsense advice.

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