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October 25, 2023

The Impact of Tech Bootcamps on the Diversity of the Tech Industry

Tech bootcamps make the tech world more accessible for all people.


Changing The Future of Tech Education

Articles by Ironhack


Diversity and inclusion in tech is a hot topic for many businesses and companies due to the positive impact that they have on employees, their employers, and the company overall; it’s a win-win for everyone. In recent years, it’s become more evident that a wide range of employees with different backgrounds and experiences improves the company as a whole. 

Tech bootcamps are a tool that offers more opportunities to enter the tech industry; however, before we move on, let’s dive deeper into the importance of diversity and inclusion.

Diversity in Tech

Through hiring a diverse staff, a tech company benefits in terms of the individual employees, their organization, and the relationship that they create, positively impacting all those involved. The following benefits are a result of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace: 

  • Creative and innovative solutions: because workers are entering the company with a variety of experiences and perspectives, they bring different methods, tools, and problem-solving skills to grapple with challenges and create an adequate and innovative solution. Each individual offers their unique way of perceiving and handling a situation that sparks new ideas when working together as a team.

  • Customer-company connection: when creating products for all types of clients, companies that include a diverse staff have access to more ideas and perspectives and enjoy higher customer satisfaction.

  • Productivity and ambition: ambitious employees feel more attracted to inclusive, supportive environments and safe spaces allow them to focus more on their work. Thanks to that safety, employees know that the sky's the limit at their workplace. 

  • Employee retention: an inclusive space is a happy space and the happier the employees, the more likely they will stay with a company. Trust and loyalty are earned and employees feel a stronger bond when they feel accepted for who they are. 

Providing a diverse, safe, and inclusive space for employees positively impacts everyone involved. When looking at the benefits, we also need to think about the current status of diversity and inclusion, thanks to what the data proves to be true.

Diversity in Tech Statistics

When talking about diversity in tech, it’s crucial to see the facts and figures that show the true disparity in representation:

We know that these numbers are quite surprising, and yet they reflect the reality of the tech world: inclusivity and diversity is still an issue despite the supposed measures that companies and businesses have taken to improve the situation. Although it will take time to undo a system that has always been in place in society, the best way to find a solution is by putting a magnifying glass on the root of the problem. 

And at the core of diversity problems are various systemic issues. Some of these issues include:

  • Schooling has not always been accessible for all and to this day, there are obstacles for minorities to obtain a strong education and as a result, there are limits to what they can achieve. Studying and investing time in education may not be possible if you are already working a full time job, for example.

  • A huge barrier to further education is cost and many colleges and universities set a high price, many are turning away from traditional forms of higher education. 

  • Workers in non-inclusive environments typically struggle to embrace diversity and new ideas for many reasons. Society drills into people’s heads that they must hold onto power and that pressure upholds a glass ceiling that few can move past.

With these barriers in mind, it’s important to remember that simply hiring a diverse staff will not eliminate the systemic issues that are ingrained in society such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. To improve diversity in the tech world, we must start with the most powerful tool: education. And one of the pillars to receiving a strong and inclusive tech education are bootcamps.

Tech Bootcamps and Diversity

When it comes time to solving the diversity and inclusion problem that inundates much of the tech industry, tech bootcamps have been successful in ensuring that jobs such as software engineer, web developer, cybersecurity, and UX/UI designer are accessible for all

What is a tech bootcamp?

In the early 2010s, companies needed talented developers to fill lots of new roles in an industry that was booming; thus, tech bootcamps were there to meet the demand. Tech bootcamps filled this gap by providing a thorough course that could be taught quickly, efficiently, and cost effectively to all types of people, both experienced and inexperienced. The main goal was to meet the market’s demand for tech professionals and anyone who wanted to become one now had that option, no matter what profession they worked in previously. 

By preparing their students with appropriate and practical skills, tech bootcamps have the advantage of focusing on one specific area such as web development or cybersecurity, offering support in creating CVs, preparing for interviews, and finetuning their portfolios that will aid students in acquiring a job soon after graduation

Tech bootcamps have had a profound impact on the tech industry thanks to the sheer number of people that can enter the workforce with the necessary practical skills. 

How do tech bootcamps make the tech industry more diverse?

Tech bootcamps have made the tech industry more accessible through the following: 

Flexible schedule

To make ends meet, many people take on more than one job and on top of that, have other responsibilities such as taking care of their children and family. 

Flexibility stands out as a strong benefit of tech bootcamps because they allow people with a limited schedule to take the time out of their busy schedule to study, do projects, and juggle their work and family responsibilities. At any point in their lives and with little to no experience in tech, anyone can make a huge change in their lives, sign up for a bootcamp, adjust their schedules for a short period of time, and take the plunge into the tech industry.

Financing options

How much money does a four-year undergraduate degree cost nowadays? The truth is that it varies greatly on a global scale; however, when compared to local options,, a tech bootcamp is both less expensive and shorter than university. A tech bootcamp is a fraction of the price, while highly reducing the amount of time and possibility of debt as well. 

Quick and skill-based learning

Quick and thorough are normally not the words associated with educational programs; when describing tech bootcamps, many graduates do mention them. Tech bootcamps give students the option to complete their programs in three to six months and because of that, they can accordingly plan out their life regarding their work/life/study balance, which is no easy feat. 

Skill-based learning allows students to focus on the practical skills that they will need once they enter the workplace and as a result, have an edge over other applicants. In regards to diversity, this shows companies from the onset that people from all walks of life are ready to work when they arrive at their office on the first day of work.

Networking, career services, and mentorships

One of the biggest barriers to diversity in the tech world is a lack of community that encourages  the connection between prospective workers and experienced tech professionals. Nevertheless, tech bootcamps provide their students with connections to not only alumni and professionals with experience in the field, but also fellow students that come from different backgrounds and cultures and boast a diverse set of genders, sexual orientations, and races. These connections make students feel like their goals are attainable and provide guidance well beyond completing their bootcamp

Career services are an essential tool that tech bootcamps provide for their students. Thanks to their assistance, tech bootcamp graduates have structures in place to ensure that they are well-prepared to enter the tech workforce

Flexible schedules, financing options, quick and skill-based learning, networking, mentorships, and career services make tech bootcamps a great choice for anyone looking to land their dream job in the tech industry and achieve success in their new position. 

Tech bootcamps have made the tech industry accessible for all. By completing one of Ironhack’s many bootcamps, you are joining a legacy of alumni that have made the tech industry more diverse, but we know there is still work left to do. Now it’s your turn: if you would like to join the tech revolution alongside a growing group of diverse professionals, check out our bootcamps. 

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