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July 1, 2023 - 7 minutes

The Dark Side of Cybersecurity: Common Hacking Techniques and How to Defend Against Them

Unmasking the shadows: protecting yourself from dark web hackers


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Articles by Ironhack

In today’s interconnected world where our personal and professional lives rely heavily on technology, the importance of online security cannot be overstated. While the realm of cybersecurity continues to evolve, there is a parallel world that operates in the shadows--the dark web. Contrary to its name, the dark web itself is not inherently malicious, rather, it is the activities and actors it harbors that make it a hotbed for cybercrime. Before we get into ways to stay safe, let’s first understand the threat the dark web poses to cybersecurity professionals and individuals alike.

What are Dark Web Hackers?

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet that requires special software to access and provides anonymity to its users. Within this clandestine realm, hackers operate, connecting and collaborating through various dark web hacking forums and communities. This provides a platform for hackers to enhance their skills, seek assistance, and engage in illicit activities. Let’s take a look at some of the motives and targets behind dark web hacking.

Motives of hackers

  1. Financial gain: dark web hackers are typically motivated by monetary incentives. They exploit vulnerabilities in systems to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive data, and monetize it through various means, such as selling the data on underground marketplaces or conducting ransomware attacks.

  2. Espionage and cyber warfare: state-sponsored hackers often operate within the dark web to conduct cyber espionage and surveillance. They target government agencies, critical infrastructure, and industries of strategic importance in order to disrupt operations or gain intelligence.

  3. Hacktivism: “hacktivist” hackers are driven by ideological or political motivations. They target organizations or individuals that they perceive to be engaging in unethical activities, with the objective to disrupt or expose their targets to promote a specific cause.

  4. Personal vendettas: dark web hackers sometimes engage in hacking for personal reasons, seeking revenge or retaliation against individuals or organizations that they believe have wronged them.

Common targets of hackers

  1. Individuals: individuals are often targeted by dark web hackers for personal financial gain. Hackers may exploit vulnerabilities in personal devices or use social engineering techniques to gain access to personal information, bank accounts, or social media profiles.

  2. Businesses: companies of all sizes are attractive targets for dark web hackers due to the potential financial rewards. They exploit vulnerabilities in networks, applications, or employees to steal valuable intellectual property, customer data, or conduct ransomware attacks.

  3. Government agencies: administrations may fall victim to hackers with a political agenda or state-sponsored backing. Classified intelligence, sensitive diplomatic communications, or strategic plans are often leaked through dark-web hacks.

  4. Financial institutions: banks are also subject to attacks from hackers who aim to gain access to customer data, financial transactions, or exploit weaknesses in banking systems for monetary gain.

Common hacking techniques

Dark web hackers employ a range of sophisticated techniques to breach security systems and compromise sensitive data. By understanding these methods, individuals and organizations can better defend against potential cyber threats. Let’s explore some common hacking techniques, along with examples of how they might be executed.

Social engineering

Hackers exploit human vulnerabilities to deceive individuals and manipulate them into revealing confidential information or gaining unauthorized access. Hackers leverage various tactics, including:

  • Phishing: hackers send deceptive emails or create fake websites that mimic legitimate organizations, tricking individuals into disclosing sensitive information such as passwords or credit card details.

    • Example: a hacker sends an email posing as a bank representative, urging the recipient to click on a link and provide their login credentials to prevent account suspension.

  • Pretexting: hackers create a fabricated scenario to gain the trust of their targets and extract personal information. This technique often involves impersonating a trusted authority figure.

    • Example: a hacker pretends to be an IT technician and calls an employee, claiming they need their login credentials to resolve a technical issue.

  • Baiting: hackers offer something enticing, such as a free software or a prize, to lure individuals into taking actions that compromise their security.

    • Example: a hacker promotes a fake online contest promising a luxurious vacation package that requires users to submit their personal information to enter.

  • Ransomware: hackers leverage various forms of malware to encrypt victims’ files and demand a financial ransom for their release.

    • Example: a hacker exploits a vulnerability in outdated software to gain access to a company’s servers, and extorts them for money in exchange for not corrupting important data.

Malware attacks

Making use of malicious software, dark web hackers infect systems, steal data, or launch further attacks. Let’s look at some types of malware used in these attacks:

  • Viruses: malicious programs that infect files and populate throughout the system, corrupting data or disrupting functionality.

    • Example: a hacker sends an infected email attachment that, once opened, installs a virus that gives the attacker access to the recipient's computer.

  • Worms: self-replicating programs that spread across networks and work to infect multiple systems. They can cause significant damage by consuming network resources and compromising data.

    • Example: a hacker exploits a vulnerability in a network service and releases a worm that rapidly spreads to other devices within the network, disrupting operations.

  • Trojans: inconspicuous programs that pose as legitimate software or files, but are actually malware. This allows hackers to gain access to a system while appearing harmless to the user.

    • Example: a hacker creates a seemingly innocent application that, when downloaded and executed, opens a backdoor on the victim’s computer, providing the attacker with remote access.

DDoS attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks involve overwhelming a target’s system or network with a flood of traffic, rendering them inaccessible to legitimate users. Let’s look one way DDoS attacks are launched:

  • Botnets: hackers infect numerous computers or devices with malware, creating a network of compromised machines called a botnet. They then use this collection of devices to send a massive wave of traffic to the target, overwhelming its resources.

    • Example: a hacker infects thousands of computers with malware, turning them into “zombies” that are controlled remotely and used collectively to inundate a website’s server, rendering it inaccessible.

Password cracking

Dark web hackers employ various techniques to crack weak or stolen passwords, giving them access to systems or accounts. Here’s a few common ways that it’s done:

  • Brute-forcing: hackers apply automated tools that systematically try every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found.

  • Dictionary attacks: hackers utilize a pre-built list of common words, phrases, or passwords to efficiently guess the correct password.

  • Credential stuffing: hackers wield stolen username and password combinations from one website or data breach and try them on other websites, exploiting individuals who reuse passwords across multiple platforms.

Strengthening Your Defenses Against Dark Web Hackers

Now that we understand the threats hackers pose against individuals and organizations, it’s time we get into how to fortify your defenses. By implementing robust preventative measures and security practices, these nefarious dark web actors can be kept at bay. Here’s some key strategies to defend against cyberattacks:

  1. Cultivate a culture of cybersecurity awareness: building a strong foundation of cybersecurity and dark web awareness is vital for individuals and organizations. Educate yourself and your employees about the latest hacking techniques, conduct or participate in regular training sessions around system security, and learn to spot suspicious emails and websites.

  2. Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA): adding an extra layer of security makes gaining access significantly more challenging for hackers. This could mean using a unique verification code sent to a mobile device, biometric data, or hardware tokens.

  3. Update software and systems: updating software and systems regularly is crucial for staying protected against vulnerabilities. Dark web hackers often exploit security flaws in outdated software to gain access. Enable automatic updates for operating systems, applications, and security patches.

  4. Employ robust endpoint security solutions: safeguarding your devices and networks with antivirus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems help to block malware and ransomware before they can infiltrate.

  5. Conduct regular data backups: organizing a regular backup strategy ensures that critical data is protected in the event of a cyberattack. Store backups in secure off-site locations or use cloud-based backup solutions, and regularly test the restoration process to verify the integrity and accessibility of backups.

  6. Encrypt communications: implementing end-to-end encryption for sensitive communications adds additional security, making it much more difficult for hackers to intercept and decipher confidential information.

Monitoring the dark web

Advances in dark web cybersecurity provide an opportunity for early detection of data breaches and leaks. Cybercriminals often trade stolen data such as login credentials and sensitive documents on dark web marketplaces. By utilizing monitoring platforms such as Recorded Future, Digital Shadows, or SpyCloud, individuals and organizations can identify if their data has been compromised and take immediate action. Let’s look at a few ways that individuals can utilize cybersecurity companies’ dark web monitoring to their benefit:

  • Proactive threat intelligence: by scanning dark web hacking forums and marketplaces, individuals and organizations can stay informed about emerging threats, new hacking techniques, and potential vulnerabilities. This enables proactive measures to be taken and reduces the risk of falling victim to cybercriminals.

  • Insider threat detection: by supervising employee-specific data on underground forums or illicit sites, organizations can detect if employees are involved in selling sensitive information or colluding with cybercriminals. This allows for organizations to take the appropriate action, conduct internal investigations, and provide additional training.

  • Vendor risk management: by monitoring the dark web for mentions of vendors’ names or leaked credentials, organizations can identify potential risks associated with their supply chain. This information allows them to make informed decisions about engaging with vendors and implement necessary security measures to protect their data.

Now that we’ve established the essential role of cybersecurity in our lives and organizations, it’s important that we remain vigilant. Empowered with knowledge and fortified defenses, we have the ability to safeguard our digital lives. To stay informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and practices, we invite you to check out Ironhack’s Cybersecurity Bootcamps, or explore more articles on our blog.

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