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February 3, 2023 - 6 minutes

Stress Management: Tips & Tricks

Stress can feel insurmountable but with some tips, you can take it on. 

Juliette Carreiro

Tech Writer

Articles by Juliette


It’s that time of year again: exams are coming up, the days seem so short, and there’s no end in sight. Your stress levels are probably rising but don’t worry: it’s completely normal! We’re all facing a bit more stress these days and, believe it or not, there are ways to manage your stress and get to work. 

Stress: What Causes It? 

There are lots of reasons why you might be feeling stressed. Big life changes, pressure, feeling out of control, too many responsibilities, or boredom can all contribute to stress. And at work specifically, stress can seem interminable. Work stresses can come from being unhappy at your role, a heavy workload, long hours, dangerous conditions, fear of being fired, interactions with colleagues, or facing discrimination in the workplace. 

Lastly, sometimes we stress ourselves out because of the following factors: fear, uncertainty, our personal perspective on a situation, expectations, and change. We all have some stress in our lives and realize some of these probably seem quite familiar. And while stress can occasionally be a good thing and help push you through that last stretch of a task or job, stress can also have some serious effects on your health; learning to manage your stress is key. 

Effects of stress 

Even though it seems like an internal thing, stress can result in the following physical problems: 

  • Headaches

  • Tiredness

  • Upset stomach

  • High blood pressure

  • Abnormal heartbeats

The following can be emotional or mental effects of stress:

  • Depression

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Irritability 

Ways to Handle Stress

There’s a ton of information out there on how to manage stress, but here’s the most important tip we can give you: find what works for you. Meditation apps and reduced screen time may be the saving grace for your colleague, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for you. Below, we’ve outlined ten stress management tips so you can try a few and find the best fit. 

  1. Exercise 

It may seem obvious, but exercise is one of the best stress relievers out there. Exercise increases endorphins, reduces the effects of stress, helps you center your energy, and improves your mood. And the best part? It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do, all forms are great for your overall health. Try yoga or a boxing class and watch the benefits kick in. 

2. Focus on getting enough sleep

Stress is hard enough to deal with without being exhausted as well; a lack of sleep can make your problems seem worse than they actually are, make it hard to focus, and cause you to overreact. If you’re having trouble staying or falling asleep, try limiting screen time before bed and meditating. 

3. Watch what you put in your body

Alcohol, drugs, caffeine, cigarettes, sugar, and junk food can all affect how your body deals with stress. Caffeine, for example, is a nervous stimulant that actually increases the body’s stress response. And alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes can all lengthen response times, make it harder to focus, and complicate getting work done. On the other hand, if you stick to a healthy diet, it can help relax your muscles and lower anxiety; try eating healthy fats, whole grains, lean proteins, and green fruits and vegetables. 

4. Prioritize 

Stress is frequently caused by a strong sense of being overwhelmed; if you relate to this, you should take a look at your current responsibilities and tasks and see if there’s anything that can be removed. If you can’t find anything that can be eliminated, try making lists, using a calendar to get organized and have a better handle on the tasks at hand. 

5. Talk to a professional if needed 

Even if you follow all these tips, there are times when the stress can get out of hand and become impossible to deal with. That’s when it’s time to talk to a professional. Life coaches, therapists, financial advisors, psychologists, and psychiatrists are all experts in the effects that stress can have on your life and can give you the professional support that you need. 

6. Use your community 

If we’re stressed, it’s easy to feel alone and like no one understands what we’re going through. But that couldn’t be further from the truth; everyone, regardless of their job, relationship status, or family size, feels stress. Confiding in trusted friends and family can not only help you feel like you’re not alone, but also get tips and ideas from people you rely on. 

7. Limit screen time 

There’s nothing like seeing someone else’s perfect life on Instagram to make you feel like you’re not doing enough. And we know that you already know this, but let us repeat it: nothing is as it seems. Someone may seem to have it all figured out but they probably don’t; in addition to improving your sleeping habits, limiting your time on social media can also help you compare yourself to others less and have an overall better opinion of yourself. 

8. Do what you like 

No one can be a machine all day every day, blowing through tasks and responsibilities. As we mentioned earlier, making a list of priorities that absolutely must be accomplished can help you reduce the weight of your responsibilities. And now try something: add a few things you enjoy doing to that list, like taking the dog for a walk or watching your favorite show. 

9. Be nice to yourself 

There’s no point in beating yourself up about what you have to do; in fact, doing that will actually increase your overall stress. Try and go easy on yourself: we all have tons of responsibilities and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed every once in a while. Discover what makes you happy, such as a warm bath or quality time with loved ones and make sure that you’re incorporating that into your routine to give yourself some much needed self care. 

10. Find out what makes you tick 

Our last piece of advice may be the hardest to implement but can have an incredible impact: find out what your triggers are. Do you notice your stress levels increasing right before an important work meeting? Or do social outings make you dread the upcoming event? Figuring out exactly what is making you feel stressed could be the key to managing it and decreasing it in the future. When you find yourself feeling stressed, take a second to think about the cause of that stress; this will help you be more prepared in the future. 

Do these tips sound like something you can implement in your day-to-day life? It can seem like an insurmountable task at first, but you can get your stress under control and continue making a difference. We believe in you!

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