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October 31, 2022 - 5 minutes

Remote or In-Person Bootcamps: Pros & Cons

Weighing up the pros and cons of remote bootcamps vs on-campus learning? Let us help!

Juliette Carreiro

Tech Writer

Articles by Juliette


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All education is good education and there are multiple ways to learn whatever you want through every possible medium, but when it comes to tech classes, there’s one burning question: are online or in-person bootcamps better? Let’s take a deep dive into the pros and cons of taking remote or in-person tech bootcamps so you can find an answer, make your choice, and get started on your tech journey. 

Remote Tech Bootcamps: Pros and Cons

The advantages of remote bootcamps

Pro: remote bootcamps boast flexibility and can be adjusted to your schedule.

If convenience and flexibility are top priorities, then there’s no doubt that a remote bootcamp is perfect for you. Online bootcamps let you set your own pace so you can study the way that works best for you while getting the same quality education as an in-person course; on top of that, you can study and attend lectures from home, a cafe, a park, or wherever you want. And if you can’t make a class in real time, don’t stress out. Recordings are available online so you can watch lectures at a more convenient time. 

Pro: remote bootcamps get you ready for the increasingly remote corporate world

Right now, working remotely is the way to go! Over the last few years, remote work has gained popularity around the world and workers are loving the change. Remote bootcamps give you a leg up by preparing you for the online business world, teaching you priceless skills like collaborating with team members in other parts of the globe, using Slack to communicate smoothly, and running efficient and productive online meetings.

The disadvantages of remote bootcamps

Con: remote bootcamps can trigger FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Our campuses are always buzzing with awesome activities (ask the survivors of our Water Balloon Wars!) so it’s the perfect environment for social butterflies. Remote students are always welcome to join the main events, but you’ll find that outside of the main Ironhack events (Like our Friday Ironbeers), you won’t have much interaction with your classmates or teachers. 

Pro/con: remote bootcamps keep you in your comfort zone

Whether this is a pro or con depends on you; if you’re someone who works best in your comfort zone, then maybe you should stay comfortable so you can learn more efficiently. On the other hand, maybe you need a little push to help you adapt to new surroundings and meet new people, helping you to grow and thrive. Either way, the decision is up to you. 

In-person Tech Bootcamps: Pros and Cons

The advantages of in-person bootcamps

Pro: In-person bootcamps offer an unparalleled community

One of the pros of in-person bootcamps is connecting with your community. There’s always something happening on campus; at Ironhack, there’s rarely a dull moment. Attending classes in-person lets you spend time with your classmates (on and off campus), interact with teachers and staff, and participate in more on-campus activities.

Pro: In-person bootcamps get you work ready

Learning how to navigate the wild world of commuting and work in an office-like environment every day is guaranteed to prepare you for the in-person business world. If you decide that working in an office is perfect for you, then adapting to a new daily routine will be no sweat.

The disadvantages of in-person bootcamps

Con: In-person bootcamps require commutes

That dreaded commute. Depending on where you live, it can be a blessing or a curse. As a commuting student, you’ll enter a magical world filled with traffic jams, packed trains, delayed trains, missed buses, no buses, and much more. The possibilities are endless! Now, there are ways to turn this con into a bit of a pro. You can always use that commute time to read, study, meditate, or listen to podcasts (ideal if you’re driving). If you can’t avoid the commute, embrace it! 

Pro/con: In-person bootcamps get you out of your comfort zone

Yes, it bears repeating–whether this is a pro or con is entirely up to you. If you’re looking for a way to meet more people and expand your network, then getting out there and making some friends might be a great idea. But if you’re the indoor type, commuting and in-person classes may be more than you’re willing to take on. And don’t worry: you can meet people and make connections online as well. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and make the choice that’s right for you.

Choosing Between Remote and In-person Bootcamps

So which option is perfect for you? Before you throw your hat into either ring, here are a few more things to consider for both remote and in-person bootcamps:

Remote bootcamps:

  • Frequently remove the stress of feeling scrutinized. If a student has a question or needs clarification on an issue, they can message the instructor or a classmate to ask privately without the pressure of feeling singled out.

  • May require more discipline than in-person classes. It’s easy to get distracted in front of a computer screen, especially with phone alerts, social media, and more, so you must have great time management skills and ensure you’re able to focus on your coursework.

  • Tend to be far more accessible than in-person classes. If there’s internet, you can access your coursework and attend lectures using multiple apps like Google Meet and Zoom. They also offer more flexibility to those with other responsibilities, such as childcare or jobs. 

In-person bootcamps:

  • Often have set times and schedules so they don’t offer students much flexibility. In-person classes and lectures are rarely recorded–if you miss a lecture and can’t reach a fellow classmate for notes, you may be out of luck. 

  • Require a commute. On top of class time, you’ll also need to factor in time (and money) spent on travel and preparation. This means that in some cases, online classes may be the more budget-friendly option. 

  • Offer more in-person interaction between students and teachers, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get to know your teachers with remote classes! On the contrary, online classes let you touch base with your teachers at any time, so you can always ask for help or feedback.

Still not sure which option is best for you? No worries, that’s what we’re here for! The Ironhack Admissions team is more than happy to provide you with personal guidance to help you find the best option to fit you and your career goals.

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