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January 22, 2023 - 5 minutes

New Year's Resolutions for Cybersecurity Professionals in 2024

Cybersecurity will be on the rise in 2024 and it’s up to you to stay up to date in the field. 

Juliette Carreiro

Tech Writer

Articles by Juliette

Cybersecurity has absolutely skyrocketed over the last decade, due to both incredibly fast technological advancements and a rise in cyber threats and attacks. Advances in what we can do with both our computer systems and user data means that they’re at an even greater risk: balancing the two is the key to the future. 

And it’s important to remember that even if it seems like the cyber threats are contained locally or within extremely developed regions, as the world becomes more and more connected, the threat of cyber attacks from the other side of the globe becomes more realistic. That’s why cybersecurity is and will continue to play a major role in 2024. 

Cybersecurity in 2024

Cybersecurity is ready to take over in 2024, even more so that it’s already done. Here’s what to look out for: 

  1. Stricter policies about user data to protect client information

  2. Stable technologies and policies put into place instead of VPNs to support the popularity of remote work

  3. Preventative measures taken to educate employees about cyber risks and the use of historical data to avoid future issues

  4. Improved security measures across the entire organization

  5. Expansion to include risk management and assessment

New Year’s Resolutions for Cybersecurity Professionals 

2024 is the time to commit to cybersecurity policies that will improve your organization. Here’s a few to add to your list this year:

Change your passwords–now and later! 

This might seem like a no-brainer, but this one is key! A simple best practice that can have positive effects on your company is regularly changing passwords and ensuring that breaches involving stolen credentials are a lot less common. Check out these keys to solid passwords: 

  • Mix upper and lowercase letters, preferably throughout the password and not just at the beginning

  • Use symbols (if permitted) 

  • Make them as long as possible 

  • Avoid personally identifying passwords like birthdays or names

  • Vary your passwords across different accounts

Update software 

The last thing you want is a data breach simply because your software isn’t updated. Make sure your systems and apps are all up-to-date across the board (and continue to be throughout the year!). 

Introduce request confirmation

The oldest scam in the book is someone pretending to be someone they aren’t. To avoid this, request confirmations; although they can seem tedious, they're essential. When a request from an outside organization arrives via email, ensure that the person is who they say they are through phone calls, video calls, or a third system that your company chooses to employ. 

Educate your employees/team 

It only takes one mistake for a cyber breach and that means the mistake of just one employee could have serious consequences for the rest of the company. And even though cybersecurity professionals are the ones trained in the ins and outs of cybersecurity, all employees and team members need to have some knowledge of how to be responsible online. 

Multi factor authentication 

We know that being forced to enter a code that you received on your phone or authenticate your access from another computer is a drag, but this is a fantastic way to truly protect access to both your company’s and your personal information. MFA requires an extra step through another device to gain access, meaning that even in the case of a credential breach, your information is still protected. 

Take stock of where you are

One of the best things about working in cybersecurity is the wide range of roles available to you. Every kind of company needs cybersecurity help and the start of the new year is the best time to check where you are:

  • Are you happy with your current role? 

  • Would you like to shift into a new industry? 

  • Are job postings listing skills that you don’t have? 

Take a step back and see where you are at the beginning of the year and set goals for where you want to be in 2024.

Commit to using safe websites only 

Have you ever entered a website and thought it didn’t look that secure? Don’t worry, we all have because there are some pretty creative fraudulent websites out there. There are certain browser extensions that you can add to your homepage to help you find them out or you can check the current security settings on your computer to see what you’re allowed to visit. 

The important thing to remember here is no matter what you’re doing, if you’re checking your bank statements or searching for the perfect chocolate chip recipe, any website could be fraudulent.

Test your security team 

Are you prepared for a data breach or cyberattack? You might think so, but it’s quite difficult to decide until you face it. And while it might seem impossible to be able to practice the stress and urgency that surrounds these kinds of attacks, it can make all the difference. Set up incident response plans with your security team and practice how you’d handle different kinds of attacks. 

Monitor your social network usage 

We live in an era of over-sharing and this can actually be the downfall of people’s privacy, thanks to the absolutely huge amount of information that’s available online. Think about someone’s Facebook profile: you could see where they grew up, where they went to school and college, their current relationship status, their recent pictures, and much, much more. While it’s great to share your life with your loved ones, change your privacy settings so that only accepted followers or “friends” can see your personal information. 

Update your security knowledge 

It’s never a bad time to keep learning and refresh your knowledge, especially as both cybersecurity and cyber hacking techniques become more refined. And thankfully, there’s lots of courses, podcasts, videos, and articles about cybersecurity trends and techniques to help you continue to grow in your field. 

2024 is your year and it’s a year where cybersecurity will take on even more importance. So take a peek at these resolutions and decide which ones you’ll commit to this year. We can’t wait to see what you accomplish! 

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