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June 27, 2024 - 6 minutes

Exploring AI Specializations: Which Path is Right for You?

Interested in AI but don’t know where to focus? Here’s everything you need to know.


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Articles by Ironhack

Artificial Intelligence

You probably want to get into AI, right? Or simply add AI skills to your repertoire so that you’re able to bring these new technologies to your job? You’re not alone: pretty much everyone wants to take advantage of the AI revolution, but even more don’t know where to start or where to center their efforts. The good news? You can pretty much go anywhere you’d like.

Although you might think AI skills are only useful in specific roles such as AI engineer or ML engineer, the reality is that AI skills are applicable across the board and can be useful in pretty much any industry. But if you want to dive deep into the field of AI, you’re in luck: there are a wide range of specializations that you can choose from, finding the perfect fit for you.

In this article, we’ll explore various specializations in AI, helping you evaluate your options and ultimately make the best decision for you and your career. Ready? Let’s dive in.

AI Specializations

Before you get started, you should first understand the scope of the AI industry and try to narrow down some options, eventually choosing the one that best aligns with your skills, experience, and interest. Below, we’ve outlined some of the main roles in AI, but it’s important to note that the AI industry is evolving incredibly fast and new roles are popping up constantly. 

If you don’t see a role that piques your interest right now, check back soon–you never know the direction AI will take. 

AI engineer

Interested in the actual construction and programming of AI machines and tools? As an AI engineer, you’ll get to work with the algorithms that make up the AI tools that are widely used, working on the forefront of innovation in such a fast-moving field. This incredibly technical role does require significant knowledge and experience in areas such as software development, programming, and data science.

AI consultant

With the sudden rise in AI tools, a need for professionals who know how to both use these tools and apply them to various uses has skyrocketed, leading to the emergence of the AI consultant role. For those interested in learning how AI tools work and helping companies and individuals make the most of them for their specific needs, this is the perfect fit. 

To become an AI consultant, you won’t need incredibly deep technical knowledge or experience, but you should be well-versed in how these tools work to provide your clients with the best assistance.

Business intelligence analyst 

You know that the best decisions are backed by data and that’s why business intelligence analysts are in high demand; these professionals know how to use data from AI systems to make better business decisions. In addition to using past data, business intelligence analysts are familiar with probability and predictions and usually have a strong statistical background.

AI researcher 

As AI is such a changing field with new advancements released constantly, the field of research in AI is bursting with opportunity for those who are interested in developing new AI tools and discovering new ways to apply AI technology. This also includes ensuring tools meet local and international regulations, in addition to researching the ethical considerations of using AI tools in a variety of settings. 

Data scientist

Varying from a business intelligence analyst in that they focus on the big picture of AI-sourced data instead of just how it affects the business, data scientists focus on the AI system itself and how data is collected, analyzed, and communicated to users. They work to constantly improve the relationship between data and AI, striving to learn how to better use AI to make accurate predictions.

Choosing Your AI Specialization 

Now that you know your options, you probably have a few ideas about the right path for you. But if you’re still unsure or looking for the right steps to take, we’ve outlined some steps below that can help you find the right fit.

Ensure you’re ready for AI

The AI field is incredibly fast-moving and it’s simply not for everyone. To set yourself up for success, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Do you have experience with math, specifically statistics and calculus?

  • Have you worked with computers before or are eager to learn? 

  • Can you remain positive when faced with frustrations at work?

  • Can you commit to staying up-to-date with the ever-changing tech world? 

  • Do you enjoy working as part of a team?

If you’ve answered yes, then you’re ready to move on to the next step: a career in AI is right up your alley.

Gain experience with AI

There’s no better way to learn than by getting your hands wet and the more practice you get, the more prepared you’ll be for the real world. And if you’re not sure how you can get some practice, don’t worry: 

  • Create your own project, using online resources to help you if you feel stuck. 

  • Head to networking events to meet like minded individuals who are also trying to get into AI. 

Hone your AI skills 

With a bit of experience and your focus area chosen, it’s time to dive into the learning process and guarantee that you’re ready to master the job hunt. And depending on the field you’ve chosen, you have a few options: 

Take a bootcamp

Bootcamps, like Ironhack’s AI Engineering Bootcamp, which provide an extensive and thorough introduction to the AI field, prepare you for junior roles in just a matter of months. This is for those who are looking for a career change and want to enter the AI workforce for the first time; you’ll learn the necessary skills that hiring managers are in search of for roles like AI engineer, AI software engineer, AI solution specialist, AI prompt engineer, and more! 

Choose AI School

If you’re already started your dream career and instead are looking to add AI skills to your toolbox to enhance your day-to-day responsibilities, AI School by Ironhack is designed for working professionals like yourself. Taught remotely after work by a live instructor, AI School courses are short, affordable, and focus only on the sector’s most in-demand skills. 

As you can see, the right fit for you in AI is out there–you just need to take the first step. So review your options, find what most interests you, and dive deep into the incredible world of AI. 

We can’t wait to see all you’ll do!

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