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January 4, 2022

Best way to start learning UX UI Design


Changing The Future of Tech Education

Articles by Ironhack

Technology is undoubtedly the biggest enabler of our modern society, and the speed at which the digital landscape is evolving is quite dizzying - throwing up a huge array of fantastic business and career opportunities for those with the skills, will and motivation to succeed.

Why study user experience and interface design?

Although the terms are used interchangeably UI defines the appearance of a digital product, and UX defines how each of the elements interacts to deliver a seamless, integrated user experience.

Often, the two key deliverables are handled by the same digital developer. The designer will first carry out user testing to ascertain what customers want and then produce visual mockups and wireframes to propose solutions. These will be tested and user feedback will be gathered to inform next step changes and to finalise the look, feel and functionality before the system goes live.

How can I best become a UX and UI design expert?

There are two main routes to take, whether you prefer academic study or on-the-job development (or potentially, a blended approach.) For example:

Traditional college routes

You could attend a traditional college or university course and devote several years to studying the topic via a traditional, lecture-based programme, with modules delivered by semester. There are pros and cons to this approach. For example, the university approach may allow you to combine different subjects to prepare yourself for the world of work and to enjoy a typical student experience. However, it can be a slower approach to achieving your goals and will not necessarily position you for a job at the end - particularly in the digital industry which is constantly changing and where university programmes may not be completely up to date with what the market needs. If academic progress and attainment is your primary goal, this could be a good, traditional route, but if you are keen to move fast and to put your newfound skills into immediate, hands-on and practical use, a more targeted approach to a qualification could be better for you.


If you are already in a digital role or a role with the potential to grow your digital capabilities, then on-the-job study could be an option for you. You could do this via an apprenticeship for example, and combine training with hands-on work, or you could ask your employer to sponsor you to train on a targeted digital development course as part of your own personal development. There are various advantages to this approach. Firstly, you will already be in a role and have the ability to put your new-found skills into action immediately. Secondly, the training that you undertake will allow you to progress your career with your current employer.

A bootcamp

When you want to get to grips with UX UI fast, a targeted bootcamp may well be the ideal way to achieve your goals. This mode of study is ideal for rapidly gaining the skills, knowledge and expertise that you need. For example, if you choose to do a UX UI BootCamp with Ironhack you can study everything that you need to become an effective UX UI designer in as little as nine weeks on the full-time programme, or in 24 weeks on the part-time programme. You also do not need prior IT experience and you will study everything that you need to cover, such as user experience, Figma, research, user interface and design thinking, positioning you strongly for a new career once you graduate from your boot camp.

The Ironhack UX UI BootCamp is also extremely flexible and can be taken at a campus, either part-time or full-time or via remote study, depending on your needs. It is delivered by highly experienced and knowledgeable experts in the field, with ongoing careers support to help match you with the right employer and right role once you have successfully completed your course. This is the newest form of learning and it is ideally suited to match the needs of the technology world where change is rapid and constant. By learning in an intensive and immersive BootCamp environment you can be sure that you are learning the latest skills and abilities -driven by what employers actually want to hire for. The resulting match is perfect for accelerating your career or for leapfrogging you into a new career without delay or the expense of a traditional 3-4 year higher education course.

Do your research!

UX UI design courses vary greatly, so it makes sense to do your research to find out which one will be right for your needs. Ask yourself questions such as:

  1. What is my desired outcome? For example, a certain focus area of learning, a qualification, a rapid route to knowledge and so forth.

  2. Does the course that I'm interested in offer the right level of flexibility? For example, can I study at home or around my other commitments or do I need to attend a campus?

  3. What are the financial implications of the course that I am interested in?

  4. What are the career prospects associated with the study method I'm interested in? Does the course provider offer support to help me find work as a UX UI designer?

  5. What have other students said?

Consider these factors carefully to make the right decision about how to best learn UX UI design and accelerate your own career and prospects!

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