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May 27, 2024 - 2 minutes

Become an Ironhack Speaker!

Boost your professional profile, give back to the tech community...and have a blast doing it!

Ellen Merryweather

Senior Content Manager

Articles by Ellen

Ironhack Podcast

At Ironhack we're on a mission to do one big thing: lower the barriers to great careers that people love. Whether that's helping someone pivot to a brand new career in a tech role, or to unlock the potential of AI in their existing role, whatever that may be.

If you're a professional with tech experience to share, YOU can get involved! Yes you! How? By becoming an Ironhack speaker!

We're looking for people to join us for casual online Q&A chats about your journey into tech, your experience so far, and your advice for future generations of tech professionals.

Who Can Be an Ironhack Speaker?

We're looking for anyone who has experience working in tech, OR using AI in your day to day role (whether that's in tech or not.) You don't need to be a CEO or far up the career ladder. Anyone with at least 6 months of relevant experience is welcome to apply.

For example, you could be...

  • A junior software developer who just landed a job at Google, wanting to help other aspiring Nooglers to get through the interview process.

  • A digital marketer who has been using ChatGPT to make content creation easier, and you want to chat about the potential of AI in your field.

  • A hiring manager/HR leader, with insights on how to land your first job or on what companies are looking for in 2024.

  • A CEO with something to say about the future of AI in your field/the tech industry.

  • Anyone working in UX/UI Design, Data, AI and Machine Learning, DevOps and Cloud Computing, Product Management, tech leadership, or any other tech role with experience to share.

Can I See Some Examples?

Sure! You can find some previous talks on our YouTube channel:

How to Become a Data Analyst with Aleksander Boski, Lead Data Analytics Instructor @ Ironhack Berlin

Everything You Need to Know about AI in 2024 with Ironhack CEO, Ariel Quinones

The Tech Scene in Puerto Rico with Yaneisha Pérez Padilla

What if I Don’t Have a Specific Topic in Mind?

No problem! If you have enough experience in tech, we can come up with a list of questions that cover a wide range of topics. Your talk can be a casual conversation with your interviewer, and we'll see what comes up naturally in conversation!

Previous guests have commented that the half an hour flies by, and they forgot they were even on camera. It just feels like a fun chat with a fellow tech enthusiast.

What's In It for Me?

Becoming an Ironhack speaker can do a few things besides giving back to the tech community and helping others follow in your footsteps towards career success. (I mean, being selfless feels pretty good right?)

  • Boost your professional profile: You'll have something to add to your portfolio/resume/LinkedIn profile, and who knows what that could bring you. Showing off your knowledge and skills can never be a bad thing!

  • Promote your project: Maybe you're a startup founder, a community leader, or you're trying to get your first app off the ground. We'd love to lend our platform to you, in exchange for knowledge that we can share with our community.

  • Boost your confidence in public speaking: If this is a skill that you've been wanting to hone, look no further!

Ready? Get started by filling out a super quick application form.

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