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December 5, 2022 - 5 minutes

Become a Web Developer in 2023

Kickstart your web development career with Ironhack with our bootcamp

Juliette Carreiro

Tech Writer

Articles by Juliette

2023 is around the corner and you might be thinking it’s the right time for a career change. Does web development seem like an interesting move? We agree: here’s everything you need to know about becoming a Web Developer in 2023. 

Why Web Development? 

To put it simply: web developers both create and maintain websites and focus on the backend of the website, such as its technical design, performance, capacity, speed, and capabilities. Depending on the role itself, web developers could also help create content for the site, thanks to their expertise in the area. The reasons to become a web developer are numerous, but here’s a quick outline of the five main ones: 

  1. Web development is an up-and-coming career: web developers are in high demand thanks to their essential role in basically any company. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, web development is supposed to increase by 23% by 2031 - well above the average! 

  2. Web developers are well-paid: as such an in-demand role, web developers are well compensated for their work. And some roles don’t even require advanced degrees; bootcamps or specialized courses can set you on the right track. 

  3. Web developers have a wide range of career options: did you know that web developers can work in a variety of roles in a diverse range of industries? We did. That’s another reason why web developers are in such high demand.

  4. Web developers can use their creativity: lots of people associate technology jobs with staring at numbers and computer screens; that couldn’t be further from the truth. The wide range of roles that developers hold means that there’s lots of room for creativity and fun.

  5. Web developers have flexibility: whether you want to work as a freelance web developer or join a company, you have lots of options. Choose what best works for you, especially as you begin your career in web development. 

What Do Web Developers Do? 

As we mentioned above, web developers can take on a number of responsibilities and roles. However, most fall under these categories: backend developers, frontend developers, and fullstack developers. Here’s a quick breakdown: 

Backend developers

This is the more technical part of web development: backend developers write the website’s code, create its structure, and ensure everything runs smoothly. When there’s an issue, other team members come to backend developers for support.

Frontend developers

As the name suggests, frontend developers work on the side of the website that visitors see and design the physical layout of each page, incorporate graphics and use HTML and JavaScript to improve the script. 

Fullstack developers 

You might have guessed it: fullstack developers work on both the back and front ends, typically on teams that don’t have the budget or resources to employ both frontend and backend developers. However, these developers must have the knowledge necessary to complete both roles. 

Career Options in Web Development

Web developers are in high demand because basically every company needs a website and skilled developers to help them make the most of their site. Web developers boast the following hard skills: 

  • Technical communication

  • Computer programming

  • Website design and development

  • Cybersecurity

  • Project management

That’s why web developers have a wide range of career options available to them: 

  • Graphic design

  • Database administration

  • Application development

  • UX design

  • Cybersecurity 

Web Development with Ironhack 

Ironhack’s Web Development bootcamp is specifically designed to kickstart your career in the web development industry. Ready to take on a new challenge? Here’s a breakdown of our web development bootcamp: 

Online prework

Decided to take Ironhack’s web development bootcamp? Amazing! Once you’re accepted into the course, you’ll be given 50 hours of prework to learn the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Once completed, you’ll have the skills to succeed in the bootcamp, know the Ironhack team both globally and at your campus, and be ready to take on the course’s challenges.

Module 1

Responsive design with HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

During the first two weeks of the course, you’ll get the necessary foundations of web development, focusing on JavaScript. You’ll also learn about HTML and CSS basics, responsive web design with Flexbox and Bootstrap, JS basics, and the core concepts of objective-oriented programming, DOM manipulation and version control. 

Whew! That’s a lot. And during your third week of the course, it’s your time to shine. You’ll get to code a game of your choice. 

Module 2


You’ll learn how to create a service and the details of data modeling, including NodeJS, ExpressJS, Handlebars, MongoDB, Mongoose and much more. And in week 6, you’ll start your backend development project, creating a full stack web application with a partner. 

Does this seem like a lot? Well, Ironhack’s bootcamps are intensive but we’re with you every step of the way. Our TAs and expert teaching staff are right by your side to help resolve any kind of doubts. 

Module 3


We couldn’t create the world’s next web developers without including frontend development! During the last weeks of your bootcamp, dive into ReactJS, Single Page Apps, component-based frameworks, and creating your very own full stack application. 

Today’s companies are looking for well-rounded web developers with skills in a wide range of areas. 

What to expect from Ironhack’s Web Development bootcamp:

An understanding of the most in-demand tech skills…

  • Learn HTML, CMS, and JavaScript, gain expertise in important frameworks, learn about version control with Git and GitHub, increase your knowledge of servers and hosting, and understand working with databases and the agile methodology.

…with a balanced methodology…

  • At Ironhack, theory and practice come together to help you enter the workforce as successfully as possible, incorporating hard skills at a manageable pace.

…while developing soft-skills…

  • Improve your problem solving and analysis skills, attention to detail, creativity and continuous learning journey.

…both in a team and cross-functionally.

  • Learn with real-world situations while collaborating with other Ironhackers and bootcamps. 

Why Choose Ironhack? 

Ironhack’s bootcamps are specifically designed to get you ready for a career in web development with intensive and practical training. And that’s not all: Ironhack also offers financing options, career services, and a robust alumni network

Are you ready to change your life and enroll in Ironhack’s Web Development bootcamp today? Apply now.

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