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November 25, 2022 - 7

5 Essential Skills to Include on Your Tech Resume

 One of the most important sections in a resume is the outline of your skills. Employers pay special attention to it as it can let them know whether a candidate has the required abilities to succeed in a specific role. 


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In the tech industry, the skills section can let an employer know whether you even qualify for a role to begin with, and potentially move you up to the next stage of the recruitment process.

In general, employers will look for a combination of soft and hard skills when analyzing resumes, both of which are extremely valuable.

In this article, you can discover 5 essential hard skills to include in your tech resume, and how to ensure they make your CV stand out in a crowd.

1. Web development 

The tech sector has no shortage of web development positions, so stressing that you possess these skills can make your entire resume a lot more appealing to potential employers.

The problem with web development is that by itself the topic is very broad. 

Sure, it showcases your ability to build websites, but chances are, your potential employer is looking for something a bit more specific.

This is why you should research the company you are applying to, and see if they have any specific requirements that could set you apart from your competitors, whether it’s in terms of hard skills or soft skills.

Resume example

Presentation is key when creating your resume. How you present your web-development skills matters greatly in your CV’s ability to convince a recruiter or potential employer to give you a call.

For example, look at this resume snippet:

Web development skills:

  • Worked as a web developer at a major tech company

  • Handled the day-to-day cloud computing

  • Helped reduce costs

  • Helped improve the user experience for web pages

Technically, you have a lot of web development qualities a recruiter might be looking for, but the wording doesn’t really help paint a good picture of your abilities.

Now compare the above section with this one:

  • Worked as a full stack developer, handling end-to-end web app development

  • Managed 2 development teams of 3 employees each

  • Reduced costs 10% by streamlining work processes

  • Enhanced user experience by 40% when compared to company-wide metrics

Same ideas, but a lot more specificity. As you read it, you can actually see the individual in action in a sense, and get a better idea of what they can bring to the table.

And that’s the type of resume recruiters love to see.

2. Programming

When it comes to listing programming skills on your resume, you want employers to know what technical skills you have that make you an asset. 

You should check to see what specific programming languages the company is looking for, and target those on your resume. However, be sure to include all of your relevant technical skills including programming languages, software, and hardware. 

Resume example

Let’s assume you found out the company is looking for someone who knows JavaScript, has some team-leading experience, and can cooperate well with other departments.

One way to write your resume could be like this:

  • Designed and developed web applications using JavaScript for company X

  • Worked with the data analysis team

  • Took part in client meetings

  • Led development team

It’s a fine resume, but it doesn’t really make your skills pop. Compare it to the following: 

  • Designed and developed up to 12 dynamic and interactive web applications per year using JavaScript

  • Collaborated with the data analysis team to design project requirements

  • Worked closely with technical staff members, business analysts, and client representatives to ensure development compliance

  • Led the 4-member development team 

Again, there is a lot more specificity. You understand the type of workload this person handles, how much collaboration their job really involves, and what type of responsibility they have regarding their team and overall projects.

3. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a huge buzzword in the tech world. With concerns regarding data safety on the rise, all members of a tech department are expected to know at least a little bit about cybersecurity.

Whether it’s for ensuring company data is secure or developing new products that need to protect user data, adding cybersecurity skills to your resume is not something you’ll want to skip.

When it comes to cybersecurity, companies may be looking for a lot of different things:

  • Help with improving in-house compliance with state and federal cybersecurity requirements

  • Monitoring company networks for threats

  • Developing a proactive approach to cybersecurity

  • Help training in-house staff to protect company data and assets against leaks, phishing attacks, and other threats, etc. 

As you can see, the requirements can be really broad, so it’s worth looking at what the company is looking for specifically.

If the company operates in the cybersecurity sector, then it stands to reason that they are looking for individuals highly versed in the practice of data safety and protection.

But even if they are from other industries, they will likely want to see a candidate’s abilities to help secure their information.

Resume example

Here are some common cybersecurity skills you might see on a resume: 

  • Removed viruses from company devices

  • Installed anti-malware software

  • Monitored company network and systems 

While yes, these are the basics of cybersecurity, they don't say a lot about what you can actually do to help a company protect its data or even develop secure products.

Instead, give more insights into your skills like this:

  • Secured and monitored over 30 websites successfully, with no major attacks recorded

  • Discussed client cybersecurity concerns and needs, and developed a strategy to defend client assets from potential attacks

  • Conducted employee training regarding cybersecurity protection to reduce the risk of breaches and leaks

This second version tells a recruiter more about how much the candidate’s cybersecurity experience extends, as well as what exactly they can bring into the company.

4. UI/UX design

UX and UI design are complementary skills, and to impress employers you should be able to demonstrate foundational knowledge of both. 

It’s easy to understand why both are so important. Say you’re developing a great web application. Now, choose to sacrifice one of the two:

  • Make a stunning-looking application that wins design awards, but that users just can’t figure out how to use

  • Make a highly intuitive, solid application people love to use, but hate to look at

Neither option isn’t really preferable, is it?

So when you’re adding UX or UI skills to your tech resume, you don’t necessarily need to worry about not being an expert in both these design fields.

But you do need to make it clear you have a solid understanding of what makes for user-friendly and stunning designs.

Resume example

As always, look at what the company expects its new hires to know regarding UI/UX design, and try not to be vague with your abilities:

  • Followed company UI requirements

  • Ensured brand consistency

  • Improved UX for new products

Dig a little bit deeper with the presentation of your skills:

  • Received 90% positive feedback from clients regarding UX/UI design

  • Created UI in accordance with brand image, and balanced brand image with modern web design elements

  • Improved UX scores by over 20% on the 4 last projects

Providing numbers that quantify the what you achieved in your design work shows employers what tangible benefits you can offer as an employee. 

5. Data analytics

The world is now driven by data, so employers looking for candidates with data analysis skills and experience is no surprise.

Data helps you work more efficiently to create better products, and helps a business reach its financial goals, so of course hiring managers are curious to know how well you can interpret a chart.

When adding these skills to your resume, it’s a good idea to focus on what the data analysis has led to - the results of the process. After all, it’s the entire reason an employer wants you to have these skills.

Resume example

Here are some of the duties associated with data analysis:

  • Used several types of data analysis software

  • Analyzed data to understand product shortcomings and create solutions

  • Communicated data analysis results to clients

These are things you’d maybe say to a friend when trying to explain a bit about what a data analyst does. But a recruiter will be looking for something like:

  • Used SPSS to track and analyze company data

  • Interpreted data to assist the sales and design departments in optimizing operations, resulting in a 21% boost in sales

  • Reduce operation costs by 10%

  • Improved client retention 30% by providing better insights into project monitoring and review. 

Data analysis is all about numbers, so don’t be afraid to feature them in your resume to showcase what results you can achieve.

Final thoughts: building your tech resume

Once you write your resume and know exactly what types of skills you want to add in order to land your dream job, it’s time to consider the best resume format to complement your text.

The right format can help support your goals and make it easier for recruiters to get a good overview of your qualifications. 

Not to mention, it’s a great way to make a good first impression!

To create a great tech resume, try using an online resume builder that can help you generate work experience bullet points and write an attention-grabbing resume summary.

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