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June 1, 2020 - 5 minutes

5 Differences Between Remote Live Courses and Traditional Online Courses

Discover how Ironhack’s remote courses are designed to help you make the most of your bootcamp.

Juliette Carreiro

Tech Writer

Articles by Juliette


We’ve been working on ways to increase access and allow students to take advantage of Ironhack’s education, regardless of location or ability to make it to a physical campus. And to do so, we’ve taken the best practices from our classroom methodology and developed our remote bootcamps to focus not only on learning, but also on creating a community-driven and social experience–from wherever you are.

You’re probably saying to yourself…"Not another online class” and we agree–our remote bootcamps couldn’t be further from your average boring online class. Learning online is a great way to start dabbling in new skills at a low cost, but only 3% of people see their online course through to the end. Well, not at Ironhack.

That’s what makes Ironhack different. Our courses are designed to give you the support, structure, and community that online courses lack. So let’s break it down exactly what sets remote Ironhack bootcamps apart from your traditional online courses. 

Remote bootcamp format

In remote live classes, you’re not just on another video call; you’ll join the Ironhack Remote campus and attend live lectures from your instructor with classmates all over the world. Just like any other classroom, you can raise your hand and ask questions, collaborate in breakout rooms, and review the classes with our recorded sessions. It’s an excellent way to learn complex subjects and study wherever you want all while being held accountable to achieving your career goals.

In traditional online classes, on the other hand, the classes are pre-recorded and self-paced. This allows for more flexibility with no real deadline for completion and the courses usually have a shorter duration and are broken into smaller topics, allowing you to choose what you want to learn. We’ve found this module works well for quick upskilling, however delays the learning objective of career changing.

Teacher-student interaction

Our live remote classes allow direct interaction between teacher and students, permitting you to interact with your classmates, guest speakers, and Ironhack staff virtually. We hold you accountable through projects, labs and check-ins to make sure you’re keeping up with the pace of the course. This type of communication accelerates the learning process and maintains students’ motivation throughout the bootcamp.

Traditional online courses are self-paced learning with little or no interaction with anyone else during this course. Studies have shown that the lack of communication often leads to drop off or faster disengagement.

Study routine

Remote live courses help you to maintain a constant study routine, as the classes and activities are scheduled in advance, which helps keep you honest and reduces the temptation for procrastination. If you do miss a class or want to review past content, all lessons will be recorded for you to watch later.

In a traditional online course, you choose your study schedule. This way to learn requires a lot of discipline from the student to stay motivated and not to leave studies aside. We’ve found that many students come to Ironhack after completing online courses because they did not have the support or structure to succeed on their own.

Career support

Especially in Ironhack’s live remote course, you will have the support of our Career Services. Our coaches provide mentoring on how to build a portfolio and sharing techniques to be prepared for the job search. Thanks to this support, 8 out of 10 students find a job after graduating from a bootcamp.

In a traditional online course, this type of individualized career support service is not usually offered, and students need to seek assistance by other means.

Investing in remote learning

Let’s be real…bootcamps are expensive, but they are worth it! On average, Ironhack grads make 20-40% more after attending our bootcamp. On top of that, in terms of actual course hours, bootcamps offer way more value:

  • Our bootcamps are 400 hours long, which is more than 4 years of typical undergraduate work (at 30 credits a year for 4 years = 360 hours!) 

  • Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that the probability of return on this investment is higher, increasing your chances of landing a job in the field in a shorter time.

  • Traditional online courses require a lower investment, precisely because their production cost is low and has fewer benefits associated with it. It is, however, a great way to get a basic intro to new languages and frameworks.

Which format is best for you?

There is no right answer to this question, as it strongly depends on you and your current situation, but if any of these sound like you, it’s time to consider a remote bootcamp:

  • You think it would be super cool to work at a tech company

  • You’re a bit intimidated of “going back to school” and the cost associated with that

  • You’re eager to future-proof your career

  • You’ve been somewhat unhappy with your job for at least a year or more

  • You’re looking for careers that allow you to work remotely

The bottom line, if you want to make a fast and intense career transition and learn the fundamentals of a new tech field from wherever you want, our remote bootcamps are the best option.

Start Your Remote Journey with Ironhack

Our remote courses are the most convenient method to start your career in tech from the comfort and safety of your home–or wherever you are!

We offer full and part time courses in web development, UX/UI design, data analytics, cybersecurity, data science and machine learning, cloud computing and DevOps, and AI engineering.

Take a look and find the right fit for you: your remote tech future is a lot closer than you think.

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